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Permanent Ban Appeal - Hrolfr

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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I wrote something stupid. I wrote before thinking. I am really sorry. There is no reason for me to belive i was banned in wrong manners or anything like that.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

Cross country driving, enjoying the server roleplaying. I have to edit in that i'm pretty new to your server, i have only played for maybe 10 days or so before the ban.

Why do you want to return ?

This is my favourite Altis Life server. I do enjoy this server's devotion to being such a great roleplaying server and i really apologise for i did once again. One of my favourite things to do in your server is cross-country driving and this is what i will stick to if i get unbanned.

Why should we unban you ?

What i wrote was really stupid. I thought i was funny and all that but i can see i wasn't and it was just clean stupidity. The word i wrote was "jesus is my nigga", it was so unecessary. I will be more sure to real the rules from now and stay away from racism or any other kind of offensive behaviour. I feel so bad for doing this since this is the very best Altis life server in my opinion. Please accept my apologise. 

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.

Yes, but i i posted this appeal as non-permanent but i hope it does not count. I didn't understand it was mean to be posted here.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


Looking at what you have said in sidechat you dont come across to me as a serious kind of guy.
You planning on staying or if i unban you, are you just going to "fuck about" again and get yourself banned ?

Looking at what you have said in sidechat you dont come across to me as a serious kind of guy.
You planning on staying or if i unban you, are you just going to "fuck about" again and get yourself banned ?
Yes, it was really stupid of me. I don't know why the heck i even had to write that? I don't have any excuses other than it was really immature of me. And i do plan to keep play on your server, and this time follow the rules obviously.

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But still, how you acted in sidechat does not convince me at all.

If i do unban you, what would you do?

But still, how you acted in sidechat does not convince me at all.

If i do unban you, what would you do?
I can promise you i will read the rules one extra time. I would thank you for the unban and personally apologise in the side chat. I would even become jailed for one hour in the server to prove my apologise. I dont know how else i can prove my regret? But regret it i do.

Edit: And to not make it sound desperate, i would of course go back to the roleplaying and and cross country driving. Your server do remain the best for rp, no qudstion and thats why im so sorry and might sound eager to come back.

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Find and quote the rule you broke. Pay attention to the last part of it.

Explain why we do have such a rule in place in a community like this.

Find and quote the rule you broke. Pay attention to the last part of it.

Explain why we do have such a rule in place in a community like this.
Well since my post apparently is removed i'll try again.

I understand and respect that you don't unban people for racism. Of course rules are like this are important to keep away racism and discrimination over sexuality or disability etc. Everyone should have a good experience of their time in the server and feel safe and enjoy their time. However, i never meant to be racist. I would NEVER target anyone. This was more meant as a funny qoute to the famous youtube clip named the same, that has 47 million views on Youtube. I did realize it was very immature and uncessary of me, but done is done and i am only trying to apologise and show my regret. I am not playing on your server to cause any trouble and nor am i planning to do so. I just want to enjoy the roleplaying again, and your server is my favourite. I don't know how many times i will have to say this was a stupid immature mistake of me. Again, i would NEVER direct or target anyone. This was never my intention.

I am sorry and i apologise if anyone felt targeted or hurt over this. 

@Hrolfr it's not something you say in public and its something we do not accept here in whatever form it comes! 

This is a serious Roleplay server that enforces every single one of its rules, I suggest you read them and follow them if you are to value your time here, I have unbanned you for another chance.

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please be advised it is extremely rare for us to unban a second permanent appeal so please be careful going forward!

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord


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