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Permanent Ban Appeal - Kappa Venom

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Kappa Venom

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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I wanna say that I will be 100% honest on this appeal I'm writing and you have my word for that.

I was banned for playing with people who were 1.6ed on this community.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

It hasnt been , I was told to make an appeal anyways by Vladi ca. My previous appeal was denied because its a 1.6 but Csi longbeard told me to just make a perma appeal through private message.

Why do you want to return ?

Explained below

Why should we unban you ?

I would like to firstly start by apologising for lying to the members of staff who we spoke to. I had only lied because I did not want to get banned, as I only found out how serious the issue was later. I understand I have completely shattered trust with members of staff however I'm being completely honest on this appeal.

I would like to explain what led to this aswell. So, Me and matrox were playing by ourselves until I saw kallum in the chat, I messaged him asking whether he was from another community where I knew him from. I did not know matt was hoggie at the time and that abdul was myasshurts. I went to their public channel and found out when I heard them speak. I knew hoggie was banned from this community but not abdul, I only found out later about that. Now my reasons for still playing with them was just to have more fun as I'm a friend of hoggie. However I did not know the harsh consequences for knowingly playing with people who are banned from this community. I would not have done it if I was aware of the consequences. We did not at any point ask them to ban evade or anything, we saw them doing it so we just decided to play with them. I know now that it was not a good idea at all.

However my reasons for why I should be unbanned at the following, I do really like playing here, hence why I'm bothering to write an appeal. Another reason is because I was completely oblivious to how harsh the consequences would be. I will take this as an oppurtunity to revise over the rules and change how I'am for the better. I also once again want to apologise to staff for lying and I have had time to reflect back at the situation and I'm hoping this one time, I can be trusted and my honestly can allow me to return to this community. I have only played here for a short period of time but I have really enjoyed it and it was made me atleast make an attempt to appeal.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


@Kappa Venom You have seen my response to the previous appeal

Are these people you are still associating with?, You seem to be a regular on a low-quality roleplay server so why would you want to return here?

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Are these people you are still associating with?,
Not at all. I can't seem to remember even the last time I spoke to them after what happened on here. 

Sorry for the late response

You seem to be a regular on a low-quality roleplay server so why would you want to return here?
They're both also perm banned on the other roleplay server too so I don't speak to either one of them. The reason I wanna return is because when I played here, I enjoyed it and was having a good time and started to play here fairly regularly. I even made my own gang however was banned shortly after the incident with the 2 individuals. 

I also don't want to be banned on the biggest of roleplay servers despite which one I main. You have your differences between the owners of that server and it doesn't involve me so I don't want this to be denied based off of what servers I play. I want to be a neutral 3rd party and just be considered a gamer who want's to play and have fun. 

I'm not a toxic individual or a troll, I just got tangled up in the wrong things and it resulted in me being 1.6ed. Just give me a chance to prove myself. 

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There aren't any differences at this end, What they did was plain right scummy end of! The main issue is that place is now full of banned toxic little kids so when someone like yourself wants to come here please excuse us for having a lack of interest.

What's the point in wanting to play here and at a lower quality roleplay server like there?, Doesn't make sense to me.

There aren't any differences at this end, What they did was plain right scummy end of! The main issue is that place is now full of banned toxic little kids so when someone like yourself wants to come here please excuse us for having a lack of interest.
I'm not gonna debate over who did what and why, simply no point

I want to play there because I have friends there and no, not everyone there are "toxic little kids" and nor would I say my friends are. I wanna play here because there's nothing wrong with playing in 2 communities and getting to know new people. All I can say is, I'm sorry for what happened and can promise it won't happen again 

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Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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