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Permanent Ban Appeal - Lewiis (Unbanned 31/07/16)

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Well-known member
In-game Name

[NATO] Lewis

Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.


In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

i got banned because i was killing many guys in kavala with my yet!

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

i have been with my family and have been talking with other people that i was used to talk to before i joined this communtiy, and i have been playing on other RP servers on arma and people on the servers i have been switching around on saying that i´m a really good guy and awesome on roleplay, i´m also playing alot takistan.

Why do you want to return ?

i want to return to this community because i really miss to play with my friends in NLA and all the other people on this servers, i really miss all the good roleplay situations i have been in on this servers, and as i sayed i do really miss the communtiy. And from my own experience i must say that this is one of the best community i ever played on! everone is following the rulse and all that kind of thing! and the RP on this server is so good! so far i have not been on a server that has this good rp as this server has! and i would be more then happy to comeback to this server to just get back all this good things that happend when i used to play on this server!

Why should we unban you ?

I think you should unban me because I was very stupid and did not think about what could happen to me. I have been a part of this community for about 10 months and never been banned, I really love this community. I had a really bad day so i decied to leave the server and the community (I have no clue why), so i really messed up and did a stupid thing. I have realised that it was the dumbest thing i could do. I really do miss to be part of this community, I have nothing to do now and I really hope I will get unbanned because I really want to join my friends once again and rejoin the community! i mean i understand everything i did and it´s not good to do. i think i deserves a final chance couse i have grown up and i will for sure never do something like that again and really hope i will be able to play with my friends again! i can come to teamspeak and talk if you want aswell.
Honestly i trying to do everything i can to get unbanned couse i just want to come back and do what i was used to do with my guys in NLA and i´m sure that many is going get happy if i get unbanned, i now many people that is missing me and it really sucks that i can´t play with them.
Honestly i really want to come back and play with my old school boys in [N.L.A] I do love the community and the server! After this 6 months i been gone from this community i have learned so much thing i i´m much batter in RP aswell and i think i can bring some good quality of RP to the community, and i can also bring some idé to the server if i feel that something is missed witch i don´t think it does but you never know. if you guys let me come back for a final chance i would be more then happy and i will bring some love with me to you! and i have also been reading all the rulse to fresh up my head a little bit since you mby editing some rulse since it´s been 6 months + now since i played! so i you let me back i atleast know all the rulse!! much love! // Lewis Frost <3

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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to be fair, i have no idé what i was thinking since it was a long time ago, i guess that i was just pissed of on my life and did not care about what i did, but right now when i can´t play with my friends anymore i regret every single moment i did in that jet! and would never ever do the same thing again, or anything that have with rule break since i don´t want to get banned again! and ofcours it has been like 7 months now and i know that i have grown up alot, i never get pissed of anymore on someone or on a group or something like that when i die. couse i mean it is just a game and i have no reason to be mad on other guys just couse of i die. and many people can say the same thing about me now! i would love to come back to this community again and start over from where i used to be with my friends, just to have fun with other people. 
and yes i can confirm that i would never ever do that again! 
Deer Lewis! 

I have tentatively unbanned you. Please do not make me regret it.

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