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Permanent Ban Appeal - Martin Friss

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Martin Friss

Well-known member
In-game Name

Martin Friss

Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I really have no idea. Maybe it was something with the new update which I was downloading minte before beimg banned. Nothing could transfer from my private server to yours. All the stuff is being executed there.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

(not been 6 months, but I was told that I can post here)

Why do you want to return ?

I have been playing here for a while (almost 2 years). Made a lot of progress in the game, met people which shortly became friends and I would not like to just let it all go. It took me countless ammounts of hours to get to the point, where I am.
I have always enjoyed to show off my very different style of roleplay, those reactions to it are very important to me, it makes me feel very comfortable and that someone actually likes it. Maybe some people do not like it but thats the point, when I know that I have to change something or Improve at something. I have experienced many awesome moments here (mainly unexpected things happening) I simply like this place.

Why should we unban you ?

I really do not think that I have done anything bad.
I think that I was never much of a trouble maker. Even tho, I have done some stuff classed as vdm, maybe some mistakes here and there. But thats it.
I have always tried to keep my rp/gunfights balanced so i would not look like a trigger happy. Even tho, I am not usually the one seeking for the fight, I just get involved into friends being shot at or something. I have mostly tried to get out without fight, but if there had to be one, I would take it. I was never much of an important rp character but I was always providing very fun experienced whenever I saw, it was suitable. My type of roleplay have suprised many people and I like whenever I can make someones day little bit more interesting just simply by doing something I like to do.
I have been enjoying this community for almost 2 years and I have not found any other rp community which would sattisfy me as much as this one. All of them had something that I was missing here, but they did not have anything else, so I have sticked here, and I have enjoyed it so far. I really do not know what to say, i just like this place...
[All was done via phone, so please ignore spelling mistskes if some occur]

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


@Martin Friss Well its not without reason you would trigger an automated ban for using a script menu

I would suggest thinking very hard about how you proceed with this appeal

I know that you are looking for the truth. But there is no way for me to prove that I did not do a thing that day on purpose.
Yes, your logs show the opposite. I am not going to lie. I have done some shady stuff on another server once.

But that was like ages ago. Once I was asked by a guy on one of arma 3 discord servers if  I would like to help him out, to test some stuff.
In return I would get some benefits ($) and I could test for him in the future. I was a little confused why did he need someone to test it, cuz he could do it by himself. 
So he sent some files over, went on random server which I never played on. Ran those files and It actually worked. But shortly after I was banned.

At that moment, I knew why he needed someone to test it. So we have been arguing for a bit and we have ended up him blocking me.
After that, I  just went on. Did not touch stuff like that ever again. Then I have managed to get myself a server and I was doing stuff there since then. It was just simple scripts executed via debug console, some admin menus from workshop and stuff like that.  It was just me and my friends playing and messing around on it. 

I really do not know. This might be it, might not be it. All I know is that I did not do a thing that day or any time close to it.


Our system does not trigger for no reason... you've run something I can see its some sort of menu.

Infact I am hearing that our staff team spoke to you after the event as you came seeking more information but you did not reveal to them about what you have said above.... I look at your steam profile and I come across a game ban which is a manual action by a game developer... yeah it was a long time ago but starting to notice a trend here.

I am not happy nor slightly convinced

Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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