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Permanent Ban Appeal - mell0

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United Kingdom
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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I was banned because I first banned evaded due to being falsely banned. I was shot down in a hummingbird and ended up crashing which is not my fault as I had no engine or back rotor. When I crashed I killed around 4-5 people. I was then banned for VDM. My appeal got denied as I had bumped it. After around 6 months, the summer holidays started and everyone that I was once ganged with was back playing and I felt left out so I bought another account (I didn't break any rules on this account). Towards the start of September most of the big gangs were being banned, during this time I believe illicit was investigated and they noticed I was ban evading. However, previously to this, I had performed a rap about the server in illicit's Discord. Without my knowledge this was recorded, soundboarded and uploaded to YouTube. Alot of people found it.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

School work, playing Garry's Mod roleplay.

Why do you want to return ?

I want to return as its the server I have always played with my friends. I have put many hours into the server and met so many great people and with being banned, I don't get the chance to play with them anymore. I love this community and hate not being apart of it.

Why should we unban you ?

You should unban me as I love this server and did not ever mean to maliciously break any rules and just wanted to play the server that I have loved for years with my friends. I did not intend to offend anyone with my rap, and I apologise if I did. I just want to be back into playing with my friends like the old days.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


The worst bit is ban invading, It just shows that your dishonest and do not give a shit about the rules that make this community what it is.

Apologies to this community's members, that would be a good start. Afterall they are the ones that contribute greatly and hold our rules with high regard by following them unlike you @mell0

I'd like to publicly apologise to everyone, especially those who have been there since the start. I did not mean to maliciously break the rules, even though I knew this was wrong. I am very sorry to my friends and the Staff team. I only wanted to play with you all again, however I shouldn't have gone about it like this. I would also like to apologise for wasting the Staff's time by making a second account.

 I did not mean to maliciously break the rules, even though I knew this was wrong.
How can you ban evade in a non-malicious way? There's no accident or coincidence involved in buying another copy of the game just so you can get around your ban, regardless of your opinions on wether it was justified or not.

Why should we bother to let you return knowing full well you have and likely will evade again? What can you bring to make the risk worthwhile?

How can you ban evade in a non-malicious way? 
I completely understand what you mean, however, when I say I didn't do it maliciously, I mean that I didn't use another account to break further rules, I played fairly and respected the server. 

If I get unbanned I will show you that I do not intend to break rules, and that my roleplay is good. I will make sure that the people who I associate myself with are also following the rules well. As I said previously I love this server, so I would have zero intention to break anymore rules. 

Like I already said, I am truly sorry to the staff team and the community.

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How is ban evading respecting the server? @mell0

Its putting 2 fingers up at everyone else who follow the rules and also those who get banned who follow the process and wait out there appeals.

I understand. However I did not really think about, all my friends were having fun and I felt left out and made a silly mistake which I won't make again if you give me another chance.

All I wanted to do was play the server, I am very sorry Wilco. It won't happen again.

Sorry won't wash. 

What can you bring to make the risk worthwhile?
Give me some specifics, what's so good about your RP? What do you plan to do if allowed to return? How will you stay within the rules other than making meaningless promises to stick to them ( your word means nothing to us now that you cheated us once)? 

Convince us.

I have a good reputation with RP especially with being the Gang Initiator/Roleplay in all of my previous gangs. When I return I will most likely either join police or NHS with my friends. 

Apart from the Ban Evasion I have only broken one previous rule (swearing outside of roleplay) which I have learned from. I have no intention on breaking rules and never had. I have ploughed many hours into the server so it would be silly to throw them all away.

I have a good reputation with RP especially with being the Gang Initiator/Roleplay in all of my previous gangs. When I return I will most likely either join police or NHS with my friends. 

Apart from the Ban Evasion I have only broken one previous rule (swearing outside of roleplay) which I have learned from. I have no intention on breaking rules and never had. I have ploughed many hours into the server so it would be silly to throw them all away.
Being the gang initiator? Tell us more, why is this a good form of roleplay? How did you do this before?

I would always give a reason for the initiation, explain why they are being initiated on and who by who’s in the area etc. I was always praised by my gang for having great role play. I was in a few of the top gangs so obviously having good role play to be in those was a need. 

I am very creative so my role play was always very creative and thought out.

Interesting... in the bad way.

If initiating fun fights is your idea of good roleplay I think you need a bit longer away.

Ban evading, telling people to kill themselves etc. etc. etc.

Denied - try again in another 6 months.

Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


Added to the permanent ban without appeal list...

and this is someone who is apparently setting up their own community.... can't wait to see that


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