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Permanent Ban Appeal - NIrish Andrew (Unbanned)

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In-game Name

[rM] NIrish Andrew

Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.


In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I think I was banned because a certain few members of the gang I was part of (raw material) decided when they were about to get banned to go and do some very stupid things, which has now led to me being banned. (so I have now been asked to put my ban appeal here).

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

(I was asked by neo to put a perm ban appeal up in my last ban appeal not sure why tho as I was not around when the all of this stuff was happening as I was gone that whole week.)

Why do you want to return ?

I have not been away I was just asked to put a perm ban appeal up so I'm not to sure what to put here.

Why should we unban you ?

I think I should be unbanned because what the few certain members done was completely wrong and just downright toxic, I was never part of what was happening as I was away from my pc for the whole time it was going on, Once I found out what they had done I stopped all forms of contact with all of the ones involved, I do not wish to have contact with any of these people as I don't want them to effect my place in this community, I've been here a while and I don't want it to stop here I want to continue the journey within this community and keep on going, I don't want to associate with any more members like the ones I have, I'm not going to lie ive been banned for doing stupid things before that I do regret and I would like to keep them behind me and keep looking forward to the future, what that holds for me now I have no clue but I hope it has me in this community.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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It seems everything you touch goes to shit Andrew. Im really in two minds over this one so I will have a chat with the rest of management about it.

Somehow I always get dragged into something with no intentions of it, just ended up in the wrong crowd again, a crowd I want nothing more to do with, whatever your decision I respect it.

Well there is a saying for this..... but anyway Unbanned

I suggest you pick more wisely in future, Find a good bunch of people here to Roleplay.

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