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Permanent Ban Appeal - Rav193 (denied)

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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

Just to start off before I go into this my last one was a misunderstanding as I apparently I was raging on the forums but this was infact a mistake it was my friend, before I started playing on this server, even before I knew what it was I let one of my friends use my account I believe he was banned at the time and wanted a work around, I didn't realise the severity of the situation so I let him as I was in my GCSEs at the time and didn't play much and was also using my other account for CS. He then got me banned on the thread of Milkman (https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/90489-un-ban-appeal-milkman123-06262017-unabanned-04072017/) which linked our IPs together, hence making it look like me who wrote the post but from this thread (https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/93721-un-ban-appeal-funcy-08182017-denied/?tab=comments#comment-533196) Tom explains that it was a misunderstanding as he realises it wasn't me who did it and tracked it back to my friend. So 2 out of the 5 of my bans were explained. I was banned for taking 10 black carrier rigs and 10 berets off one of my friends in the police, then after receiving them I proceeded to try and sell them to make a profit. It was extremely stupid I had a lot of money at the time and didn't even need to do this, it was late at night and I was being careless, this was a while ago and now I have realised from my mistakes.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

The last 6 months I have played a mix of many games, mainly they were trying to replace the big hole RPUK took up but nothing quite compared.

Why do you want to return ?

I would like to return as on my time at RPUK I had some of the best gaming moments and the community was exceptional I tried playing every other RP server they just don't cut it for the experience that I am after. I have really missed playing and I feel over the six months I have matured and I am ready to adhere to the rules and this time not mess up.

Why should we unban you ?

I think you should unban me as I feel like I have grown up and ready up some proper role play. Also as before I think (subjectively) I brought a good level of role play to the community and got my fair share back. It was just my stupid mistakes that seemed to get me in trouble but I believe that these mistakes are behind me. Finally although I have said this in the past I now mean it, genuinely I have read through all the rules, so no mistakes should be made.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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I let one of my friends use my account I believe he was banned at the time and wanted a work around
So given that you seem to have such little respect for our ban process that you'd knowingly aid someone in bypassing their own account restrictions, why should I lift yours?

I mean you've hardly got the cleanest record in the world so you don't seem to learn. Exploiting, RDM, Threats to report (Oh the irony), NLR, in addition to the ban you received that caused you to end up here in the space of about a year. So on average a ban every 2.5 months, roughly, given that information why should I be confident in unbanning you? You're clearly not an avid believer in the server rules. 

As I said @CC Aiden if you actually read what I put I stated that I gave him the account without playing on the server previously so I didn't really care about it at the time, I mean I just thought I was helping out a friend not disrespecting your ban process. Also it has been a while since I have played I genuinely enjoy the server and all of my bans were not intentional, I have a good idea of all the rules I need to know, so a ban hopefully won't happen again if I am granted another chance. 

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