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Permanent Ban Appeal - Robb Stark (Unbanned 29/08/16)

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Mick Duffy

In-game Name

Robb Stark

Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I was banned for glitching, after being knocked out I used a tazer gun on the person who knocked me out. it was kind of an impluse thing, with my finger on the trigger, but I didn't understand I had glitched and I reported the guy for poor roleplay, the admin brat seen that I had used the taze gun when unconcious and banned me. It wouldn't of been so bad if I hadn't of made the situation worse by making sarcastic comments to Brat on his profile and then venting my frustration to him on TS

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

I was originally banned in November if memory serves correct, I flew over to england and spent the holiday with my family. Once back in Norway I got a job working as an assistant to a boy in a wheelchair in a local school, I broke my ankle in 3 places in May, I have been on the road to recovery since the injury, I will be starting University on the 15th of august, Barely knowing the norwegian language this will be a challenge which I look forward to.

Why do you want to return ?

I don't like to end things on a bad note, being permanetly banned from something is never nice, I no longer have friends who play this game but I would still like the option, I remember when I played that this server was my favourite and for the most part the RP was engaging and I enjoyed it very much, I had just passed a test on TS to become a memeber of the police which I was looking forward to. overall I had many good memories here and would like to make some new ones and possibly make new friends.

Why should we unban you ?

I've served my time and want a chance to prove to you that I can play on your server and follow your rules, I deeply regret the incident but even more so my behaviour afterwards, I believe the permanent ban was a good thing in a way because I was pretty addicted at the time the ban was issued which also led to my frustration when I could never play again, It may be working at a school or being in a wheelchair for the past 2 months but I've gained a better outlook on life in general, I am much more patient, composed in situations where before I would simply react in a negative manner. No matter what decision you make I believe your server is the best one for me and I would like to apolagize to brat for my attitude towards him.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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They are just player profiles because I wanted to change my name, I only have 1 steam account if that's what you're asking I haven't been on your server since the ban.

I also don't know the names I previously used, I have a new computer and it doesn't show up anymore even Robb Stark doesn't show up.  I dunno if this means all of my stuff will be gone?

I am giving you the benefit of the doubt here and I have unbanned you. Do not make me regret it.

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