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Permanent Ban Appeal - SpaceInvader (denied)

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[TBB] 2Lt. Gail plat

Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I was in my tbb tower next to Kavala drug dealer, my mate got rdm'ed while selling in the dealer, the police turned up as well as unmc, unmc through a tear gas grenade and stole over 2 mill which im pretty sure wasn't allowed but never mind, they took Smithers hostage in my tower, i went to go and help it, a gunfight appeared with me involved, the police was breaking in the gang base, the unmc and police was trying to get in through the top floor. I open the door while the was breaking in and i was going to kill/shoot at them, but i shut the door, and did this again. at one point i did shoot them as i open the door (got a video) as i shut the door i get killed and then the police was // typing to me, your not allowed to do that as we see here
10/19/2017 9:23 PM
PC HappyKnife [RT222]
//its exploiting openiong and closing doors when it beiong boltcutted
10/19/2017 9:23 PM
[TBB] 2Lt. Gail Plat
//is it?
10/19/2017 9:24 PM
INS Dean Cain [KV909]
// how can you think its not hello/ he typed this to me when i was dead but according to the staff which banned me i was alive when this was typed

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

I've been playing a lot of Ark, had a bit of fun with Kech's base ;), and recently started preparing for exams, and cutting my playing time down a bit for them. I've also been playing PUBG and csgo with my friends. I've missed the times I had on the server and I've been unable to play with the friends I made, and IRL friends who play here and have done for around a year.

Why do you want to return ?

A lot of my IRL friends play here, and I made many around the community. I feel I made a stupid mistake and have definitely learned from it. I miss the times I've had around the community and want to return to be a part of it again as this community is the only one I really enjoy The standard and the people here are much better than elsewhere, hence why I haven't played much Arma since my ban. This has been a massive wake up call to me and I can make sure I don't break rules like this again, in my case I wasn't sure on the door opening being an exploit. i wouldnt break a rule purposely and sorry for my ingame ban

Why should we unban you ?

I've had around 6 months away and matured since. I think I'd be a good addition to the server and want to put my past mistakes behind me and move on, lesson learnt. I have heard the server and the meta has changed a lot and I'm anxious to find out - in a good way - I haven't been here to see it develop, but I want to experience the server which is arguably in the best place its been in a while, so I've heard.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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Within the space of 3 months you have broken 2 rules which are technically perm ban without appeal. Now we were kind enough to let you appeal the 1.2. You managed to get unbanned. Then three months later you managed to get yourself banned for exploiting, despite receiving numerous warnings from the police in the situation.

Clearly you don't much care for following the rules. Not just here but in multiple communities as a quick search of your steam ID in google shows. So why should we waste our time now on dealing with your appeal?

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 Firstly I'd like to address the previous bans. One of them I said something to my friend which we sometimes say with no real discriminatory meaning behind it, and I did not think at the time of the channel we were in, most people have made this mistake but luck wasn't on my side as staff were in the channel. That was in the past and I moved on having learnt a lesson.
Now for the Exploit ban, as I said I had no idea at the time I was technically exploiting.
I want to start by saying the whole situation was all over the place. someone rdmed my friend at the Drug dealer, a bunch of police turned up and decided to watch the UNMC take some of our members' money including mine and had a laugh about it. I fled and went into my tower. The UNMC and police all decided the bottom of my tower was a good place to land their helicopters and drive around and all argue. Meanwhile some officers were apparently on the stairs of my tower trying to get me out. I could barely hear anything and they came out with some form of initiation. I still didn't know what was happening as there were still shot now and then. I wasn't sure if I could shoot them after I opened the door the first time and closed it straight away - still confused as to what was going on. I opened the door shortly after and fired a few shots and closed it again. I think at some point I opened a third time to do the same. I never heard them say they were breaking in or anything and I barely had time to notice when the door was opened, as I was 1. shooting, and 2. There were a lot of them all set up and crouched around in the tight space. I was only //ed after I was dead, and if any others were sent before I didn't see due to the circumstances and how ridiculous the sit was, I wasn't paying attention to OOC or direct chat.

 I don't think it would be a waste of your time. It has been 6 months and if I was let back. I 100% would not be getting myself into any grief. I've had to wait the 6 months, wanting to play here and have come back after my ban. I will be very cautious and will let whichever of my friends I would play with show me the ropes again as a lot has changed.
This is the only community I care to play at and would would be extremely careful, and grateful if I was allowed back here.
I would indefinitely make sure I read through the rules again properly and consider the first few weeks as a trial. Any way I can prove myself now of being a good member of the community.

I believe I wouldn't have gotten this
ban, had the situation not been so all over the place. The cops did nothing but ignore the fact we were robbed and some of us killed, some of them laugh with the unmc and run around my tower, meanwhile there were helis hovering around and people drivng. And a lot of people talking all at the same time.
I wasn't aware of the rule also, and so if I had read up on exploiting, and others properly then that could have changed everything. But I didn't and now I am here.

I am very sorry for my previous actions and as I said before I will do everything I can to make sure I wouldn't get into any grief and treat my first weeks back as my own trial, if I was to be unbanned. A lot can change in a person in 6 months and while being sincere, I do wish to come back and be a member of the community, giving good experiences and making new friends along the way. This is the only community I care to play on and believe it is the best out there, while that doesn't make it okay to break a rule elsewhere, like what you found, I can assure this was an irrational thing out of frustration which would never occur here.

I lastly want to thank you for taking the time to read my appeal.

"clearly you don't much care for following the rules. Not just here but in multiple communities as a quick search of your steam ID in google shows"

2 months ago you got yourself banned for mass rdm in a different community, put your exploiting ban aside, how can we trust the fact that you wouldn't do the same thing here?

When i got banned for mass RDM on a different community, i thought it would be a funny idea with my mates from rpuk however now thinking back to it, it wasn't so funny, When this happened i guess i was just being an idiot, i wouldn't go out my way to do this on rpuk as i actually put time into rpuk . For the past 6 months, i haven't  really been focusing on arma too much however that doesn't change what i did. before my ban on rpuk, i had put in a lot of time in the community  making a lot of friends on the way. I don't feel that i could come on to this community and be so stupid like i did on a different community by ruining it for others. by making this appeal i want to show that i have matured and actually want to come back and experience rpuk again having fun. i guess we all make mistakes and this was a big one too make however i hope that maybe i could be trusted again making sure to go by the rules and not ruin it for others, and thank you for taking time to read this


Ban issued on another community for mass RDM....

This may not be our problem but it certainly put a holt to your appeal as it gives me a judgement of you as a character and makes me already believe that I couldn't trust you on our server in case you come up with another "Funny idea"

I admit, its a stupid thing to do, but I wouldn't ever do something like that here. I've spent 6 months anticipating my appeal and wouldn't go through it for 5 minutes of a 'funny idea'. I know its not exactly funny looking back but I couldn't play here so I went onto another community, bearing in mind this was about 4 months into my ban, and just did it purely out of boredom. I'm asking for a chance to show I can be a decent member of the community and give something back. Whether it takes joining the NHS, trial period or a short restriction to get back into things, I want to prove myself. i have not broke another rule apart from this on server . again thx for reading my apeal.

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I believe everyone should deserve a chance of appeal after 6 months doesn't mean they will be unbanned though. However, I don't feel like the community is for you, all I see is bans previous warnings and the immaturity of you mass RDM'ing else where. I simply can't justify unbanning you because I simply couldn't trust you.


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