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Permanent Ban Appeal - Squeaky (unbanned)

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In-game Name


Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I believe I was banned for VDM’ing a static Tempest surrounded by civilians in an attempt to clear the road.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

In my time being banned I have used this time to take a step back from the server and my PC, instead I have got myself a job and have been working hard and long as well as sorting out my stuff for school etc.

I occasionally join teamspeak to speak to my old friends and maybe try play other games or try another community but cannot settle down as they don't really compare to RPUK.

Why do you want to return ?

There are a lot of reasons I want to return. In my time trying other communities I have really realised there are no other communities out there like this one that offer a great level of roleplay, as well as I greatly miss my friends on the server as I always had a great time playing with them which brought me a lot of happiness and fun times and would hate to leave that all behind.
I feel this is the only server I can play on because it's the only one I feel right on, I believe it's because my roots are here and massively regret ramming the vehicles.

Why should we unban you ?

I made a very idiotic mistake of using a ifirit in attempt to move a Tempest which was blocking the road, at the time I did not take into consideration about the consequences of my action and how I was ruining other people's experience around me which was extremely naive and selfish as I should have known better as I have been a member for nearly for two years (approaching in four days), I realise what I did was inexcusable and I am sorry for it, I have learnt from my mistake and looking back I should’ve just messaged a admin on duty instead of taking it into my own hands and trying to clear the mess with a ifirit.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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Okay, I'll be reviewing this appeal in due course.

One question,

You forum account was created in 2015, so it's safe to say you've been around this community for a long time. Looking at your player history and past and current bans. You have been banned in the past for some pretty basic clear cut rules that are commonly known around nearly every roleplay server. If you can't follow the common rules like this are you the type of player we want to return here?

It is safe to say that my record on this server has not been the greatest. However, within my time being banned I have realised how idiotic and immature I once was. I can assure that my behaviour from my past time on this server will not be recurring. I used to be an immature boy who was trigger happy and looking for a gunfight, I do not want to return and cause any trouble. My main goal in returning is to experience the fun RP that I once thoroughly enjoyed, and hopefully gain the chance to join the Police and spend my time working through the ranks.

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I can assure that my behaviour from my past time on this server will not be recurring. I used to be an immature boy who was trigger happy and looking for a gunfight, I do not want to return and cause any trouble
I will hold you to that, I hope that I wouldn't regret any decisions here.

Moving forward, do you think this is a lesson learned about how to conduct your playing time here on our community and server? 

Yes, my ban has made me realise that l cannot act the way I have previously done (mentioned above) and I can assure that it will not be reoccurring. 

Your previous bans have had other people involved in, I think you need to be careful who you associate your playing time here on RPUK with do you agree?

Yes, I  do not want to play rebel anymore as I wish to stay clear from unnecessary drama which appears to cause either myself or the gang I am apart of getting into trouble. Instead I am wanting a fresh start, hence as to why I changed my name. My aim is not to come back and get myself in trouble but to join a whitelisted faction, take part in fun RP and enjoy my time on the server.

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