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Petition to remove metal scrap/junk from mines

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Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS Training
Los Santos Firefighter
Forum Drive
Yeah pretty much either remove the metal junk at the mines or place them away from the enterance perhaps if possible make them so they cant move because it is very hard going in and out with quadbikes/bikes moving minerals. 

Pros: Happy Miners no metal junk causing bikes to get stuck or glitched

Cons: aesthetically pleasing due to it complimenting and how well it suits the mines and without it I guess would make it seem like its missing something 


+1 i would personally relocate them as you said they do make it look so much better but are disrupting quads entrys into the mines 🙂 

+1 but maybe could have them as fixed objects so they don't move and block the entrance way. That way it still adds to the feel of the mine without the glitchy near death experiences. 

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