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Phil Collins Ban Application (Denied)

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Your In-game name:

Phil Collins

Your Steam Profile ID: 


Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):


Date & Time you was banned:

01.05.2015 unkown time

Please copy and paste the rule you broke:

3B) RDM - Random Death Match Definition:

Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban)

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:

You should give me another chance as the insidentc in the video is not valid on me. i recorded the whole thing myself and the only person i was in contact with at the time was as you can see HERE: https://youtu.be/j3elMqBQ5lU

I followed the rules of the server and did not open fire until i went over and saw him pulling the gun out. the other robbery was at the weed processor 100m away. 

After this i went over to the weed processor and helped my team as i did not know that any of this had happend until i logged on this morning and was banned. Alien talked to the reporter's on Teamspeak but i do not know what they said as Alien shortly after went to bed.

i feel like the evidence posted here: was?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent> not enough evidence against me all there was was simply a kill message, for all anyone could know that could be me robbing him in kavala and he refusing to comply. As i see there is NO evidence of me deserving this ban

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here:

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It was RDM because you were shooting at him while he was getting on the floor. You're right the evidence we had wasn't too clear but your video shows exactly what was described in the ban report. Chase says in our video that he was shot at even though he followed orders, and your video confirms that.

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Did not really mean to shoot him at first there, if not i would just have shot him as soon as he got up again. They were ment as a warning. I did mean to kill him when he no longer followed orderes (pulling out his gun)

So explain why you were shooting him while he was complying?

I basicly just mindfucked myself, i was thinking of him to get his hands on his head but told him to lay down. But the thing is tough if i wanted to kill him /RDM him i would just have shot him when he got up. but as you saw i didn't im really sorry for the 2 shot's tough as thay are all my fault. 

And if we don't find any solution im gladly willing to repay anything lost becouse of my actions.

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Watched the video. Guy was lucky to get on the floor or he would have died with the little time you gave him to comply.

Well i don't really have anymore to say and as i rewatch the video i can see that i clearly did not give him enough time to comply. but as previously stated i will compensate for anything lost and admit for making a wrong decicion.

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I dont think you get what I am saying here. Your second shot would have killed him anyway if he had not complied. You gave him less than 3 and a bit seconds to comply which he did. Do you honestly think this is enough time for someone to comply? Your video is more damning for you than the one he posted.

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This is your second ban for RDM and you were previously unbanned

As per our rules you do not get a second chance.


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