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Can anyone help my problem with PlaysTV?

I have it set to automatic recording but when I select a civilian slot and load into the map my playstv stops recording. I've uninstalled and reinstalled and still does the same thing, anyone know anything about it?

Make sure you have enough storage space to record your allocated amount of memory. So if you set it to record 50GB worth of stuff, make sure you actually have 50GB. 

Make sure you have enough storage space to record your allocated amount of memory. So if you set it to record 50GB worth of stuff, make sure you actually have 50GB. 
I have 200GB free so I don't think this is the problem but thanks anyways

I personally think it has a lot to do with tabbing out and obviously the executable Arma file, first of all make sure that in your advanced PlaysTV settings that you have selected the new Arma 64 exe as an accepted game to record and then attempt it.

The new update has caused a lot of issues with recording software. I've always used PlaysTV and since the update I'm unable to record even with adding the exception. I think PlaysTV need an update to resolve this. 

Keep me updated if you find a fix. 
