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Please Buy my GPU

Hiding your argument. If out have a problem sort it out in your own time, not on someones thread.

3 hours left!  



The Amazon refund method, is where you receive your items, leave it for about a week, and contact amazon saying you never received them, you can make up an excuse such as you had to leave the country for a couple of days. They will then ask you if you want them to resend the items, or simply re-credit your bank account. This does work, I have only ever done it once when I was jobless for my GPU. I do not recommend doing it. But its at your own will. You can get into some SERIOUS trouble if you are caught. I had a friend who worked at the support chat/call center for amazon, and he told me that everything you complain/talk to them about is noted down on your account database. So if they look at your account and see you have done this refund method 2 maybe 3 times, it looks slightly obvious.

However you can do this once and you should be fine xD

Glad to know I am not the only stingy mother fucker who used refund method, also I give 12 rupies and 7 goats even tho I got gtx 980 :p

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