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Please can i be unbanned (Unbanned 13/12/2014)

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I am very new to Altis Life and have never played arma before. I had no idea traiding cards for money was a bannable offence i am very sorry and i will not do it again. I just want to hang out with friends and have some fun. I would very much appreciate it if you could please unban me. thank you for your time:)

I can confirm that my friend here is new to this game...

He saw someone asking in side chat "does anyone want to trade steam cards for in-game money?"

Mattayo probaly thought he could get rich the quick way, and didn't know that it was a bannable offense.

So please admins, if you give him one chance (with a warning) I will assure you, that he will not do this again.

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Its classed as cheating.... not just the game but every single person on this server that has put the time and work into making there own money.

Why should I bother to unban ?, Whats to stop you doing the same tomorrow or even worse just buying a hack ?

Cheaters usually just continue cheating.

We're several friends playing together, we've all almost "raged" at him for what he did.

I can assure you that he will not continue doing this...

We will not tolerate him doing this anymore, as he makes us all look like some sort of cheaters.

Me and Mattayo agreed that if you'll let him go (with a warning) you could delete all the money he earned in the trading.

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I will never do this again i can assure you i had no idea it was a bannable offence i am very sorry and you can take everything i got from it.

Please provide your steam ID

We will reset your account back to 100k and unban you, you will lose all vechs/licences etc.

Your player ID is in the menu that you can edit you player name/profile.

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