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PLF Juan (Action: Ban issued 20/09/2014)

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Name of the person you are reporting:

PLF Juan

Time and Date This happened:

15:15pm GMT 15/09/2014

Description of what happened:

I was playing as a rebel named Sharkey. We decided to rob the bank. I was in the bank and the ifrit drove into the bank past me then noticed me as I was lied down turned around and drove over me and even went back over my body to double check I was dead this is when the screenshot is taken. I believe there is a complete lack of understand from this player on the VDM rules and would personally say that this play doesn't know the meaning of role-play.

Have you tried resolving with the player before posting?:

No because there is no way in which to contact this person as they aren't on TS and wont respond in game



Forgot to add

Lost Gear Value :

1 x Katiba, 1 x ARCO, 15 x Mags and 20k worth of clothes and an ifrit that got scrapped because of my death so in total around 400K.

Would appreciate comp.

Due to a no video, i can confirm that this happenend. I was a sniper looking at the bank. 

all i see is a guy in a car, no names no nothing, if you were sniping how did you not stop me gun down 2 of your men when i was infront of the bank?

I can also confirm this from earlier today, TBH the PLF guys out manned the three of us in the bank there was absolutely no need for this especially as there are two of them in the car than ran him down... 

we didnt out man you it was 3v3vcops i killed 2 of you and 2 cops, just outplayed :/ i shot you in the leg and u lay down and i shot you in the face, no offence there its a bank robbery

Can confirm this from earlier today also.

all i see is a guy in a car, no names no nothing, if you were sniping how did you not stop me gun down 2 of your men when i was infront of the bank?
This statement is a lie, you were at the back of the treasury dome near the middle of the compound. I know this because I clearly saw you open fire at me, you were dressed in a NATO Wetsuit.

No need to continue this nonsensse, just comp Mr.Fisher and everything will be ok. 

Dont post here anymore, we are all online and on TS so just come speak if needed. thats from me. gooood luuck :)

Can confirm this from earlier today also.

This statement is a lie, you were at the back of the treasury dome near the middle of the compound. I know this because I clearly saw you open fire at me, you were dressed in a NATO Wetsuit.
I apoligise i thought you were sniping from the hospital. but also if you were sniping, how did i shoot you? i killed a PC in the tower, i moved round from behind the bank, threw the southern dome shot a cop, trying to flank me, then i move to teh centre in which i only shot 2 guys inside the vault? i didn shoot at no snipers? confused

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Wolfbain, no one has a problem with what you did at the bank, the problem is the vdm by one of your gang mates.

It's really difficult to tell on this one, next time get someone to screenshot their name on the wanted list showing "death by dangerous driving", video's are usually better, but not everyone can easily do a video.

Enough debating, wait for an admin to decide.

I can see a Ifrit ... a dead body and the person responsible in the sidechat

a70b1e1861748aad754b1ef5bd25a47c -1 PLF Juan - Forum Report 20/09/2014

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