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PLF Zinder (Rejected - Lack of evidence)

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Advanced rebel
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): PLF Zinder
Time & Date this happened: ‎4. ‎oktober ‎2014, ‏‎00:27:03 danish time
Description of what happened: We weres selling drugs and one of ones gets sniped. 
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Nope. Was sent off by the admins just after. 
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
you have sped up the video making the audio invalid, upload the whole vid at normal speed and you will hear at least 3 of us screaming for you to surrender etc...

coman guys.. 

you guys started to shot and we shot back and you even killed a admin from greenzone area.. so you guys started the shotout and killed cardozo instant.. can we know that you dont aim @ us ? no.. so we start attack aswell.. becuse it was totely mayham @ the scen and we wanted to rob you guys...

and you loa ppl even metagamed in another gang in to our battle when the area was secure and clean and medics was doing there jobs.. then someone off us gets instant shot in head by your "friends".

dont throw rocks in a glass house 

this was a good shotout between 2 gangs ,,  end of story 

and why are you posting some kind a brag video 


coman guys.. 

you guys started to shot and we shot back and you even killed a admin from greenzone area.. so you guys started the shotout and killed cardozo instant.. can we know that you dont aim @ us ? no.. so we start attack aswell.. becuse it was totely mayham @ the scen and we wanted to rob you guys...

and you loa ppl even metagamed in another gang in to our battle when the area was secure and clean and medics was doing there jobs.. then someone off us gets instant shot in head by your "friends".

dont throw rocks in a glass house 

this was a good shotout between 2 gangs ,,  end of story 

and why are you posting some kind a brag video 
Just to make it clear I didn't post that

If you call a nice shootout a shooting where you shoot on side and people get banned... Bloody PLF logic....

like you see in video you guys starting to open fire cardozo dies and we start to open fire.. 

why do such a big thing about this tbh.. just type and be muture and ask for comp or what ever i die like mabye 5-8 times each day off kinda bad situations..

but like i said before.. you guys started to open fire we answered and start screm @ you guys to lay down wepons..

Ah so you shot because you saw a guy shooting? So when you see people shooting then you can just shoot everybody you see. Makes perfect sense... 

It was a good shootout, You guys are just mad that you lost 3 mil,

It was a good shootout, You guys are just mad that you lost 3 mil,
JDubz the combat logger who plays with [PLF] commenting some excellent critique into how PLF did nothing wrong and how LOA are just mad, Zinder is definitely not going to get banned now! /s

How can I speak with you? You are never on the teamspeak. And as you can see you didn't say anything before zinder shot us. 

Message one of the core online, and we will gladly let you into our TS to talk, or we can come to you.

Its easy to see 2 gangs having a shootout... i would of liked to seen a video from the person who got sniped rather than someone else.

Unable to issue a ban just cannot prove anything here from this video.

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