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Poker table at Cutlass arcade


Lost MC
City needs a bigger gambling scene and from what ive seen theres only one place that deserves it. @6AN6have been using there own creativity to do an actual Blackjack table without the AI. a think it would be a great idea to add poker tables or even different casino games around this place where they need actual players to play. i think it makes it so much better to be able to interact with the dealer and others around you. Poker nights on a friday with a few beers... think about it 😉 

+1 Great idea from @6AN6to begin with, would love to see this progress into something bigger as it brings quality player to player rp to the gambling scene.

+1 - won't catch me there gambling ever again though, excluded myself. Turns out you aren't always a winner at the arcade casino...
Could I have this comment removed for slander! Everyones a winner at the Arcade lol

@MACCASMeans a lot bro and I agree with all those suggestions they would be great additions and enhance the whole experience.
