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Police & Crime Commissioner Wilco

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If you are not in the police and have a few million in your bank then times are about to change, The police will become more effective on this island meaning more chance of you getting caught.

Umm i'm not in the police, but have ammased 12 mill via playing as a medic ... What does this mean exactly ?

Umm i'm not in the police, but have ammased 12 mill via playing as a medic ... What does this mean exactly ?
Then you will be ok wont you ? ... maybe better protection and faster call outs when you call the police might interest you.

Then you will be ok wont you ? ... maybe better protection and faster call outs when you call the police might interest you.
See this interests me. Faster call outs as in you will actually come? Haha the amount of times it has been 10 - 20 mins response time and it is too late by then. :)

I have an Zafir in my cousins house whos on vacation and not coming back until January. So I cant take a screenshot of it since I stored it in his house before he left. So now I'm wondering what I should do.

If you are not in the police and have a few million in your bank then times are about to change, The police will become more effective on this island meaning more chance of you getting caught.

So rich people will be stopped more often? 

Good luck wilco, will never forget you as one of the people who kept my hope of joining the police alive. Wish you the best and hope it works out!

If you are not in the police and have a few million in your bank then times are about to change, The police will become more effective on this island meaning more chance of you getting caught.

So rich people will be stopped more often? 
I think what @Wilco is saying is that (correct me if i'm wrong) there's some people getting 5k tickets, to some that is a lot and they learn and don't do it again, but to some people who have millions that's nothing and continue to "troll/mess about" cause they can afford to do so.

SPC Anonymous Orange

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i thought he meant that the way the police are is going to change so that it is harder for criminals to make money e.g. police cracking down on drugs

I think what @Wilco is saying is that (correct me if i'm wrong) there's some people getting 5k tickets, to some that is a lot and they learn and don't do it again, but to some people who have millions that's nothing and continue to "troll/mess about" cause they can afford to do so.

SPC Anonymous Orange

Just like in the real world...

I really hope you aren't suggesting that "rich" people will be ticketed higher than poor people.

1: That would be metagaming (checking my.altislife.co.uk to see who is rich and who isn't).

2: The real world doesn't work that way.

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Just like in the real world...

I really hope you aren't suggesting that "rich" people will be ticketed higher than poor people.

1: That would be metagaming (checking my.altislife.co.uk to see who is rich and who isn't).

2: The real world doesn't work that way.
Some countries work that way. Tickets based on your income. Finland is one I think, if you earn over a million a year, a ticket would cost you 10, 20k maybe, whereas a person who earns a standard 30-40k income would get a ticket in the hundreds. A fine is meant to hurt so you won't do it again. If you can afford your daily speeding ticket of 150 pounds because you make millions a year, it essentially puts you above the law just because you have the money to keep paying off the fine for your offence. People who can't afford it however, need to tell their kids ''no vacation, dad got a speeding ticket he can't pay for''. A standard fining system, as used by most countries, is a unfair system that promotes unequality between people based on their income. Under the law, everyone is to be treated equally IN EQUAL CIRCUMSTANCES. Never understood why so many countries have fixed fines for minor offences. Makes no sense at all.

''One law for the rich, one law for the people like you and me''

The Exploited - Law for the Rich.

I can't agree with that... in countries that have low fines for crimes for everyone, also have things in place to heavily punish repeat offenders (even if they Can buy their judges/lawyers and get out of it, but this is true anywhere and everywhere).

In the US a rich person can get a DUI so many times before they get placed in jail, a rich person can likely avoid that altogether, but they do get heavier punishments if the low fee isn't sending a message. (I know in the past people have gotten 7+ DUI's and still drive, but things have changed)

With NLR's in Altis repeat offenders would be hard to punish harder I get that, but simply charging someone by the size of their bank accounts (keep in mind that the Police are the ones handing these tickets out, who should have NO access to anyone's bank details without a warrant/court order, and even then the cops themselves wouldn't be the ones gaining this access, the state prosecutor will [not sure what the equivalent is in the UK], how exactly are the cops going to charge some people more and some less?)

All I'm going to say is that this will just result in people going to jail instead of paying any tickets.   Lose 15 minutes of your time or lose >100k $$?

Obvious choice. Time is money.

England does give higher tax rates the more money you earn. Everyone gets 10k tax free then from 10k to around 40k its 20% then 40k to .... is 40% and so on.

Some countries work that way. Tickets based on your income. Finland is one I think, if you earn over a million a year, a ticket would cost you 10, 20k maybe, whereas a person who earns a standard 30-40k income would get a ticket in the hundreds. A fine is meant to hurt so you won't do it again. If you can afford your daily speeding ticket of 150 pounds because you make millions a year, it essentially puts you above the law just because you have the money to keep paying off the fine for your offence. People who can't afford it however, need to tell their kids ''no vacation, dad got a speeding ticket he can't pay for''. A standard fining system, as used by most countries, is a unfair system that promotes unequality between people based on their income. Under the law, everyone is to be treated equally IN EQUAL CIRCUMSTANCES. Never understood why so many countries have fixed fines for minor offences. Makes no sense at all.

''One law for the rich, one law for the people like you and me''

The Exploited - Law for the Rich.
I can confirm this as a Finn. Though your amounts are rather low. Someone with no income starts from 6€/day and for example slight speeding would give you 30 day tickets. = 180€. If you have something like 100k per year, you'll end up with an easy 5k ticket. Basically it's one month of salary on avg for speeding, driving without a license etc.

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