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Police Tags


Stinky Kavala Hobo
Sofia, Bulgaria

asked for police tags almost a week ago, i still dont have them. @Ciaran If you can spare a second and give me forums tags that would be great!

-King Regards, Alexim

Guys just letting you know it takes awhile for tags to be given, I for one have been waiting for over a month, its best to be patient!  We will get them eventually!

Yeah I am in the same situation, I understand, the admins must be busy, just wanted to let them know. I want ma tagzz :D

It takes a while, guys, just be patient. If you've made a post get done sooner or later. 

It takes a while, guys, just be patient. If you've made a post get done sooner or later. 

More likely later :p (Joke, I know the admins must be busy and this isn't the biggest issue atm) 

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Any chance of having my tags reinstated since donating? :p (I pay money for this! I kid :p )
