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Prestige System


Escaped Convict
Apologies if this question is a bit premature but is there anywhere I can view the current rewards for getting prestige levels? I recently turned my 2,500 salt profession points into 1 prestige point and I'm not sure what it does or if it's worth getting more of them.

Where did you see the option to turn them into prestige points? I know this is unrelated but I couldn’t find it anywhere yesterday...

Once professions are prestiged you gain a prestige point, this will grant access to the Prestige Club. As you rise in the ranks of the prestige club further exclusive items become available. More items are to come for each of the prestige levels, so if the reward seems lacklustre for now do not worry!

The prestige club is in Kavala btw

I was told you get access to a new shop in kavala that you can buy handguns and clothing at. I may be wrong however...

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Where did you see the option to turn them into prestige points? I know this is unrelated but I couldn’t find it anywhere yesterday...

Once professions are prestiged you gain a prestige point, this will grant access to the Prestige Club. As you rise in the ranks of the prestige club further exclusive items become available. More items are to come for each of the prestige levels, so if the reward seems lacklustre for now do not worry!

The prestige club is in Kavala btw
I got the popup when selling my salt 
