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priyanshu - VDM and Attempted VDM

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Well-known member
Cambridge, UK
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): priyanshu
Time & Date this happened: 09:50am 25/10/2015
Which Server did this happen on: #1
Description of what happened: I was lockpicking his car, started driving it, jumped out to pick some money up, he jumped in it tried to run me over lots of times but only succeeded once.
What Rule Was Broken ?: VDM
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No the reason is, just before that he had broken NLR, he was dead outside the drug dealer, i tried to tell him and he just blanked me
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(1 Pic of him trying to VDM me, one after he has just VDM'd me)
I do have a video aswell if required which may also show him breaking NLR (Can't remember if it does):p
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Denied -25/10/15

Insufficient evidence.

EDIT: Received a video.

Approved -Action Taken -25/10/15

Name:priyanshuSteam ID:76561198165544198GUID:4c0fbeb98dc6c6f8af0809152620aa4f
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