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Puppy's fund raise

I said I'm donating love points, not Altis £'s puppy :(

It's not a real currency :X
Do you want those poor ifrits to stay addicted to crack cocaine without a puppy to hold them? We need [SIZE=13.63636302948px] £, or you can help us out in the clinic if you want to.[/SIZE]

If money is transferred from and police officers bank to a known rebels bank is classed as supporting rebels and is not tolerated within the police force.

I'll donate another £1 to the abandoned puppy fund.


I'll donate another £1 to the abandoned puppy fund.


If money is transferred from and police officers bank to a known rebels bank is classed as supporting rebels and is not tolerated within the police force.
We'll make sure to do it in secret <3

Thank you Vacatie for donating 50.000 pound to the save an ifrit today foundation <3

I'll support the save an ifrit foundation, with a donation of £500,000!

Thank you Krusty Kris for donating £500,000 to the save an ifrit foundation

Thank GnC Marko for donating [SIZE=13.63636302948px]£420 to the ifrit foundation <3[/SIZE]

Thank you [T.I] Veniamin for donating 2.500 pounds to the ifrit foundation <3

Here with the safe an ifrit today foundation we are proud to announce that we will be accepting anonymous donations, so even you cops can donate. The donation will be strictly private and nobody will know. I know you enjoy it to <3

Donating 2 million to puppy's bloody beautiful ifrits <3 c:
Thank you 2Pac for donating 2 Million to the ifrit foundation. It's greatly appreciated, now we are one step closer to helping an ifrit who has been left behind by its parents. The ifrit will be carrying your name, 2Pac.

Thank you 2Pac for donating 2 Million to the ifrit foundation. It's greatly appreciated, now we are one step closer to helping an ifrit who has been left behind by its parents. The ifrit will be carrying your name, 2Pac.


Forgot to say, have fun bud c:

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I need more money :p

- Puppy1004

Srry Vladic Ka, I know u don't like it when I beg for money <3
