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Purge Night This Halloween

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Jack Wiltshire

Well-known member
Honestly, these events are incredible. Will there be a purge night this year? Can there be a purge night this year?

I think this should be done in a certain part of the server with people who wanna take part and if you don’t want to take part you don’t enter that part of city as not everyone will want to be involved 

I think this should be done in a certain part of the server with people who wanna take part and if you don’t want to take part you don’t enter that part of city as not everyone will want to be involved 
There are 8760 hours in a year.

Purge night will literally take 4 - 5 hours.

I think this says enough.

Some people may not want to take part though. There would be no harm in having it in a certain part of city and other that don’t want to participate don’t go in that area as they may want to do something else for Halloween 

Some people may not want to take part though. There would be no harm in having it in a certain part of city and other that don’t want to participate don’t go in that area as they may want to do something else for Halloween 
last year it was done everywhere and we had no complaints

Some people may not want to take part though. There would be no harm in having it in a certain part of city and other that don’t want to participate don’t go in that area as they may want to do something else for Halloween 
The whole point of a purge night is its not optional, all movies and series depicting a purge night showcase that as the literal concept. 

People might not want to roleplay you robbing them, but they have to.
People might not want to roleplay you kidnapping them and using them to rob a bank/life invader... but they have to.
People might not want to roleplay being arrested after being caught doing something shady, but they have to.

.... you might not want to roleplay purge night.....

last year it was done everywhere and we had no complaints
Never said there was any complaints was just saying, he never said it been done before which if he did wouldn’t of had my comment but I get you 

I did not take part last year, as it's not for me, but I know people enjoyed it a lot! 🙂

+1 Had a amazing time last year. Kinda miss the squidgame event style too. But won’t complain about a Purge this year as well 😎

+1 Had a amazing time last year. Kinda miss the squidgame event style too. But won’t complain about a Purge this year as well 😎
My pc was going mental for the squid game event, game crashed so many times and barley got passed 20 frames haha. Would defiantly prefer a purge event

+1 Had a amazing time last year. Kinda miss the squidgame event style too. But won’t complain about a Purge this year as well 😎
Mate squid game? I would love to see a squid game! 

I did like the purge night, getting to murder without consequence was cool, even if some of the scripts bugged out. Though I'd say this year it should be at least a little different, maybe adding some zombies and letting players get infected could be a fun way to spice things up.

Mate squid game? I would love to see a squid game! 
There was a squidgame Halloween 2021, well setup with a few games from it, eliminating people each round. Due to like 300 players at one tiny location it was lagging and crashing the server a lot, but was more playable midway thru. Made it til the end and was a blast. Many plot-twists during the event and was amazing having @Fatheras the Gamemaster and a bunch og the staff team as the guards!

If people want it then fair does, it's not my kinda thing and as it lasts for the longest 6pm - 9am I would be against it this time as it just means I can't do what I'd like in those times, but again if the people want it why not I'll just play something else for that time hah

If people want it then fair does, it's not my kinda thing and as it lasts for the longest 6pm - 9am I would be against it this time as it just means I can't do what I'd like in those times, but again if the people want it why not I'll just play something else for that time hah
I am in agreement with you. I am not interested in something like this, I was hoping to have my own Halloween party but if there is something like this running I wont be bothering.

I am in agreement with you. I am not interested in something like this, I was hoping to have my own Halloween party but if there is something like this running I wont be bothering.
If I recall none of these events have actually been on the 31st. A day or two before, So that the people that do halloween things IRL have the ability to attend both!

+1 didnt get to do it last year but heard great things, would love for it to happen this year

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