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Quality of Roleplay

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@SPC FoxhoundI never said denying it to a fellow officer is something i agree with. But you've CHOSE to chase a car with a one million bounty and seen the gun, Maybe your just trying to RP with the wrong people? Your driving after a highly wanted criminal with a gun whose speeding in an expensive and fast car, in a gang thats known for being the most aggressive on the island. Officers in that situation not expecting to be met with bullets is just plain dumb.

If you find a rebel on the street or in a car with NO weapon (Which is rare, as they are a Rebel) I BET they will RP and not bother to escape, why? Because they've got nothing to lose. Which shows that the only reason Rebels drive and shoot is because they, and i, cannot be assed to lose 500K worth of gear and a trip back to rebel no matter how hard i try to RP it. 
1. It is our job to chase wanted cars and illegal weapon users.

2. Someone with a very high bounty can easily rp that it isnt their car and go under a different name, in my opinion that is less risky that a shootout with cops, no matter the odds of the fight.

@Flibble Not when the cars suited out with an MK18 and illegal weapons inside...
If you are driving around in a car full of illegal weapons around an area where police are likely to find you then you are a pretty stupid rebel..  No offense

I think it's very important that we acknowledge quality as a whole has gone down...and seeing a thread like this does worry me at times when it's clearly from one side aimed towards another, because I'm sure the last thing we want is a huge argument between different groups. I'm personally of the mindset that Roleplay has dropped because we have had 6 months of roleplaying using the exact same assets, so most of the Roleplay avenues have already been visited multiple times. Now I know we don't know what is coming in the Framework but any additional assets to the server can only help provide new avenues for us to explore which will be fresh and interesting...
Couldn't agree more, with new things to the island, new ideas for RP will come freely, were in for some beautiful RP in the coming months as the FW comes out, as long as people actually want to put in the effort.

@SPC FoxhoundI never said denying it to a fellow officer is something i agree with. But you've CHOSE to chase a car with a one million bounty and seen the gun, Maybe your just trying to RP with the wrong people? Your driving after a highly wanted criminal with a gun whose speeding in an expensive and fast car, in a gang thats known for being the most aggressive on the island. Officers in that situation not expecting to be met with bullets is just plain dumb.

If you find a rebel on the street or in a car with NO weapon (Which is rare, as they are a Rebel) I BET they will RP and not bother to escape, why? Because they've got nothing to lose. Which shows that the only reason Rebels drive and shoot is because they, and i, cannot be assed to lose 500K worth of gear and a trip back to rebel no matter how hard i try to RP it. 
replying to that is tough, but as a police officer you have a JOB to do and if that job means you have to chase after a wanted criminal then you have to do it, but the outcome of these chases usually if not 90 percent of the time end the same way, not a chance of RP just threats and death. i understand that gear is expensive but it again is part of the risk, if you open fire then die you loose all your gear and that was your choice if you comply you might just loose your weapon the chance is there for RP the police should and will take it as they do value their lives, on the other had you could state they don't value their lives because they chase after armed criminals, what is the other option just let everyone with a high bounty go as i am valuing my life and there is a risk involved. all im saying is denying someone a chance to RP is not TRUE RP as this is a RP server eveyonee should have the chancee to RP and that chance does not come with "what the fuck do you think your're doing" "let me go or die" "getout and DIE pig" "your're stupid leave" thats just BAD RP if the officer was approached in this manner  then expect an aggressive attitude back he cannot leave as its his job to be there. but if the rebel role-plays and its genuinely good then there is no reason for the officer to kill or imprison him.

@Flibble Not if i have a very large gang who are all armed too who can deal with potential cops chasing me.
Unless you were planning a bank op, you would still be pretty stupid to bring your whole gang in a largely patrolled area. No matter how skilled you are you will always be at risk of getting busted. Police can get backup to a location very quickly. If doing a bank op a clever rebel would make themselves least obvious and get rid of their bounty, not drive along with money on their head and guns out... 

So basically you guys are saying that whenever you see someone doing something illegal, he should immediately just comply and put his hands up? We both know that if you see someone gathering weed, processing it, transporting it or whatever - you won't let him go with it (or the weapon he had in his hands for that matter). Basically, unless he fights back, he's already lost. Cops already have enough of a jump on the people, seeing how they can follow them for a while, surround them, outnumber etc. 

I'm struggling to understand what other roleplay you guys expect other than "Don't come closer or I'll open fire.". If you come closer, they've basically surrendered. And in the end, if you're advancing towards them, both parties know you're not there for a cup of tea or just a guy-to-guy talk.

So can you explain to me the perfect scenario you expect experiencing when catching, let's say, drug processing?

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hey hope you all doing well,

I have recently noticed a big drop in the QUALITY of role-play i.e. people are just "role playing" to meet and fulfil server rules rather than actually putting in an effort.

for example:

1. police officer approaches an armed man in public, the armed man asks the police not to get out of his vehicle and leave. (by saying this he has declined the officer of role-play) although as per server rules he is correct as he has "initiated" (verbally).

2. Police officer approaches an armed man and steps out of his vehicle, the armed man responds leave the area or your are going to get killed. again this meets the required minimum of "role-play" but in this instance the officer can actually go through this encountered without saying ONE word. so yes its not RDM its not breaking role-play but its more the fact that role play is being denied to the other member. 

in conclusion, I am sure you are all thinking "well but that does not happen much", you would be surprised as 90 percent of encounters generally end with a decline of role-play and or death. if as an officer you try to stick around and have a conversation (role-play) you get shot and if you leave well you have been declined the very essence of why we play altis life, and remember role play is not there for you just to fulfil server obligations but more for the actual ROLE PLAY aspect of it.

id like to know your thoughts and encounters about this general topic. and maybe suggestions on how we can improve this. thank you. 
I'd like to start with its not all one sided I've had sooo many situations where cops just instantly say "put your hands up" also police don't give enough leeway anymore so they actually give no chance for RP fair enough a gun is a gun but maybe every now and then RP it is a air rifle just things like that will help improve this lack of roleplay your talking about. 

There is no perfect scenario. Im actually getting frustrated reading these replies so this will be my last input.

We are fucking rebels. We are not there to RP to an extent of a nice chat, We kidnap cops, we kill cops, we rob other rebels, we drug traffic, we break road and aviation laws, we kill and kidnap other rebels, we rob gold from the islands main bank and occasionally make our own checkpoints to tax anyone and everyone. Its quite frank, just dumb, for rebels to 'RP' out of their latest ticket, or the massive weapon on there back. The only RP to be had with rebels is almost always a hostile one. Such as a well Rp'd hostage situation or bank OP. 

Saying ' well, If you pull over, hide your weapon and RP out of that Manslaughter, it's easier and safer ' No, its just fucking unrealistic and stupid. No man with accounts of manslaughter on the street would bother to talk to cops, and would run through every gateway and alley just to escape.

If you want RP with rebels then thats absolutely fine, But expect Hostility and refusal to comply with police demands when you do so, don't just start complaining that you don't have power over them, and when you try you end up being shutdown. 

On a side note, when im NOT playing as a rebel i love RP, i roll around chatting with hobos and used to actually have a weed business with 6 Hobos whom i would lend my trucks too for a hefty fee. Or i would do a party bus, a talent show, maybe rolling around with a quadbiker crew. But when i AM a rebel i understand that im a fucking rebel, and im NOT there for Cup of teas, to pay my ticket, and then to say a wave to the police. 

We are rebels, if you don't know what that is maybe you should google it. This is a pretty extreme example, but do you see ISIS or rebels alike from different countries ' chatting ' with the police? 

I dont know, I had only 3 encounters with police and the role play in my opinion was spot on. But when it comes to some civis, then the role play does not apply. For example yesterday I was on the server and I saw a guy, fresh spawn, no gear, on the airport where you can either pick up or drop off your heli, waiting behind the hangar for someone to get closer. He jumped out and strarted to shout at a guy to drop his gear or he will shoot him. I got there, out of my car, told the guy to get his hands up, he did, Ive told him to drop his pistol and im gonna call the police, to which he said that he cant hear me, and I said dont move or Ill kill you, to which he replied I cant hear you, (also forgot to mention, the other guy was a rebel, equipped with a MX, he got into his heli and flew off like nothing happened), he tried to get his gun out and I killed him, he said he will have me banned coz he couldnt hear me. (Also I wrote it on the chat, and 2 seconds later some random guy said ''good shooting, what did he do?'' I asked if he can hear me to which he said yes) Furthermore, this is not the first time im seeing this, people dying somewhere with full gear, spawning in Athira, going to the handgun store, and immediately going to the airport to camp for someone, this happened to me before. They have nothing to lose in this exchange of gunfire, maybe a pistol worth 25k, where as the rebel who got held up, or anyone else who has a decent gear, backpack and a vest a lot more to lose. Its just that people dont value their lives, especially people like the guy who was trying to rob the other guy because he knows that he will either get a full gear without spending a penny, or that he will do it again after he respawns because it worked before. 

@Edit: When rebel dies with full gear, he loses a lot of cash, but when the police officer dies, he respawns, gets his gear for free, and goes on about his business. Why should the Police value their life if they have nothing to lose? 

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I rarely post to these sort of things as its always the same complaints,

But I have spent a long long time in the police and now play rebel, 

It is literally guess work, I have gone up to police and and had great RP with them, other times I get out of my car walk towards the officer with my gun on my back and all I got is hands up hands up, while trying to talk to the officer and get shot for it, it works both ways mate, and sadly their is nothing that can be done about it, some officers have great RP some Officers are that scared of messing up they end up going the other way and are terrible, same goes for rebels some are amazing some not so much.

This is an RP server yes but everyone is not as good as each other so their will always be instances of role play that people are not happy with.

Sorry to say this but thats the game, it has always been this way.

Their will always be new people on both sides, and their will always be people that are better at RP than others.

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So basically you guys are saying that whenever you see someone doing something illegal, he should immediately just comply and put his hands up? We both know that if you see someone gathering weed, processing it, transporting it or whatever - you won't let him go with it. Basically, unless he fights back, he's already lost. Cops already have enough of a jump on the people, seeing how they can follow them for a while, surround them, outnumber etc. 

I'm struggling to understand what other roleplay you guys expect other than "Don't come closer or I'll open fire.". If you come closer, they've basically surrendered. And in the end, if you're advancing towards them, both parties know you're not there for a cup of tea or just a guy-to-guy talk.

So can you explain to me the perfect scenario you expect experiencing when catching, let's say, drug processing?
I partially agree with your post i didn't realize that civs were also encountering th same lack of RP as cops are, but the part about nothing to loose as cops gear is for free, I myself have alot to loose as the reason i come on a play on www.altislife.co.uk is for RP and if RP is not available then what am i really doing. so yes i dont lose money but by loosing my ability to RP with others i consider it a greater loss. 

just a few days back i encountered a situation where "rebels" were neglecting RP but using threats to get their way, thats fine but when i was trying to speak to them all i got was shut up shut up shut up. BTW thats GREAT RP where i was no threat to them as i do value my life i didnt want to aggravate them by arresting any of them as i was all alone on the other hand they just said shut up and leave. as a rebel i understand that sometimes u are Rping as a cop hater and that's fine its in your right to do so. but just once id like to ask you to actually try role-playing!!! real RP and not just "fulfilling server criteria" RP all im trying to say is that on both sides thee attitude towards RP should change from just fulfilling criteria required to quality RP if i even change one persons understanding of RP because of this post i would be satisfied. 

There is no perfect scenario. Im actually getting frustrated reading these replies so this will be my last input.

We are fucking rebels. We are not there to RP to an extent of a nice chat, We kidnap cops, we kill cops, we rob other rebels, we drug traffic, we break road and aviation laws, we kill and kidnap other rebels, we rob gold from the islands main bank and occasionally make our own checkpoints to tax anyone and everyone. Its quite frank, just dumb, for rebels to 'RP' out of their latest ticket, or the massive weapon on there back. The only RP to be had with rebels is almost always a hostile one. Such as a well Rp'd hostage situation or bank OP. 

Saying ' well, If you pull over, hide your weapon and RP out of that Manslaughter, it's easier and safer ' No, its just fucking unrealistic and stupid. No man with accounts of manslaughter on the street would bother to talk to cops, and would run through every gateway and alley just to escape.

If you want RP with rebels then thats absolutely fine, But expect Hostility and refusal to comply with police demands when you do so, don't just start complaining that you don't have power over them, and when you try you end up being shutdown. 

On a side note, when im NOT playing as a rebel i love RP, i roll around chatting with hobos and used to actually have a weed business with 6 Hobos whom i would lend my trucks too for a hefty fee. Or i would do a party bus, a talent show, maybe rolling around with a quadbiker crew. But when i AM a rebel i understand that im a fucking rebel, and im NOT there for Cup of teas, to pay my ticket, and then to say a wave to the police. 

We are rebels, if you don't know what that is maybe you should google it. This is a pretty extreme example, but do you see ISIS or rebels alike from different countries ' chatting ' with the police? 

im not sure you are understanding the point im trying to make across, its simple if you are using the "leave or shoot" attitude at every encounter you have ever had as a rebel then as a rebel you have never role played with anyone you have ever encountered. you have either never given the chance to RP or disregarded it altogether. i understand fully that not every cop is the same but im speaking about my  previous encounters by saying the Lack and quality is down and by quality i mean opportunity to RP. 

Woooow, some of this hostile rebel comments breaks my heart.
I just had to comment.

To be a good rebel means that you can do more than shoot. You need to have a strong mind and a political view or at least a reason for beeing a rebel. And ofc, im not gonna say sorry for having my gun out. But RP it as a rebel.
You tell them why you are a rebel, why you do what you do. And as I stated in the meeting yesterday, try do something good out of beeing a rebel. Me, im here for my civilians and to make the officers understand that they are on the wrong side!

Tell them why you carry a weapon, and how scum they are for wearing a police uniform. Why they are wrong and you are right!
Try to convince them that what you do is to make the Island they live on to a better place, for them and their family's. 

Please just please, dont say you cant RP with cops couse you are a rebel. That is the worst sentence I have heard here on ALUK in a long while tbh.
We are playing on the best Altis ROLEPLAY community. And what made the community good, is that the most of the rebels here knew/know that you can #RPEVRYTHING (Maratek 2014), same goes for cops and legal workers! And admins caring about good RP

If you cant RP as a rebel I think you should reconsider being it, try being a cop.
Look at it from their pov.
Remember, the people you kill ingame can still be your friends on TS, and people need to act like that.


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Woooow, some of this hostile rebel comments breaks my heart.
I just had to comment.

To be a good rebel means that you can do more than shoot. You need to have a strong mind and a political view or at least a reason for beeing a rebel. And ofc, im not gonna say sorry for having my gun out. But RP it as a rebel.
You tell them why you are a rebel, why you do what you do. And as I stated in the meeting yesterday, try do something good out of beeing a rebel. Me, im here for my civilians and to make the officers understand that they are on the wrong side!

Tell them why you carry a weapon, and how scum they are for wearing a police uniform. Why they are wrong and you are right!
Try to convince them that what you do is to make the Island they live on to a better place, for them and their family's. 

Please just please, dont say you cant RP with cops couse you are a rebel. That is the worst sentence I have heard here on ALUK in a long while tbh.
We are playing on the best Altis ROLEPLAY community. And what made the community good, is that the most of the rebels here knew/know that you can #RPEVRYTHING (Maratek 2014), same goes for cops and legal workers! And admins caring about good RP

If you cant RP as a rebel I think you should reconsider being it, try being a cop.
Look at it from their pov.
Remember, the people you kill ingame can still be your friends on TS, and people need to act like that.

thank you for that i wish more rebels had the same POV 

I've gone out of my way to avoid firing on Officers till i absolutely have to, even if i stand to lose,I've been a Altis Officer so many times before & i dispise having to be a Infantry Regiment every 5 minutes or have to carry the big guns,I prefer A Rangemaster,Uniform,Tazer Pistol as my patrol gearmBut it's not plausible as i need the vest and primary to engage heavly armed rebels,Dont get me worng the rebels are needed here to,its all part of the atmosphere,a middle ground needs to be reached here to bring back Quality Rp for us all to enjoy.

Some people have a hard time with certain aspects of RP,sometimes they just need some help in polishing their Rp,As someone who has played countless hours as a DM/player of RP Royalty DnD,I've had alot of players wh just needed a tiny bit of help discovering their inner Roleplay,then turn out to be amazing people,Don't look at it as Poor/Fail Rp,Look at it as a opportunity to help someone improve,You never know how they will turn out,you could be the Sensai to the next greatest Rper every.

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I think from the rebels side if they DON'T issue this compliance right away, and get out of the car to RP with the officers inside 9/10 it leads to back up being called and surrounding the said rebels, or the cops, after a short conversation, saying 'We really can't let you leave with those weapons'. 

Now whilst im entirely open to RP with cops, as last night, doing so with a weapon and a bounty isn't just stupid it's not realistic. If im carrying a 7.62 and the officer knows it, i'm not going to be 'friendly' and have a chat. it's not realistic, puts me at risk and leads to confusing situations.
Got a feeling i was involved in this situation was i not?

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