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Questions about things i have seen in game

DR Milo

Lifetime Donator
Lifetime Donator
Isle of Man
hello there everyone. i have been playing this server for about 3-4 months and i have a couple of questions from things i have seen or been involved with in game.

1. are police aloud to ram your truck to get you to crash when you are in the middle of a police chase

2. what is a safe distance to park your heli away from a main town (since you are not aloud to fly over a main city)

3. if your enemy losses connection when in battle and DC's but not really combat logging. is he aloud to return to the battle.

4.if you and a enemy are  in a gun fight. and a random person comes along near the enemy  you are shooting, and you kill him because you think they are a team. is that counted as RDM

5. and last one, if you are driving in first person which i mainly do and someone shouts pull over. but you can't hear him because you are in first person, and it is hard to hear people in first person. dose that count (this happens to me a lot they shoot me after and i say hay man why did you shoot me. and he said i did tell you to stop, but i didn't hear him). dose that count or is that RDM

hope you guys can answer my questions. and dose anyone else have anything similar 

Urban Vipers


1. No

2. I can't remember, I think anywhere just outside of the main town (fields etc should be fine)

3. It's difficult to say - my gut instinct says yes, but then anytime you disconnect you're essentially starting from scratch again (like if you die - no revenge) so clarification is maybe needed with that one

4. I wouldn't say RDM - I would say stupidity for the other person entering a gun fight. Cross killing happens, they shouldn't be there if a fight is established. 

5. I wouldn't say RDM again as he's attempted to RP - he doesn't "know" you've not heard him so he's just following his RP that he's started - to you, it's not the best. You might want to consider turning down effects, or putting earplugs in while driving and make sure you can help people otherwise it could keep happening.

1. are police aloud to ram your truck to get you to crash when you are in the middle of a police chase
No, no-one is allowed to ram a vehicle, unless it's an Ifrit/Hunter ramming another Ifrit/Hunter.

2. what is a safe distance to park your heli away from a main town (since you are not aloud to fly over a main city)
I usually think about 100 meters away from the outskirts of the town is okay, I've never been hassled by cops when I've parked that far out.

3. if your enemy losses connection when in battle and DC's but not really combat logging. is he aloud to return to the battle.
Gray area, I'd say he shouldn't really. Unless you contact the gang you're fighting with and ask if they are okay with it. Otherwise he could gain a massive advantage in the fight by suddenly being behind the enemy when he reconnects.

4.if you and a enemy are  in a gun fight. and a random person comes along near the enemy  you are shooting, and you kill him because you think they are a team. is that counted as RDM
If the civilian is acting in a hostile manner, running around with a pistol, when a gunfight has been going on for some time, if he dies, it's his own fault. He knew there was a gunfight going on and decided to get involved in it. So its definitely not a random kill. However, if there is a fight going on and a random civilian is just standing there doing nothing, you wouldn't be able to just shoot him because he might be a threat. If you're close enough, just tell him to leave and get to safety. If he refuses to leave after multiple warnings, then he's only got himself to blame if something happens, and wouldn't be RDM.

5. and last one, if you are driving in first person which i mainly do and someone shouts pull over. but you can't hear him because you are in first person, and it is hard to hear people in first person. dose that count (this happens to me a lot they shoot me after and i say hay man why did you shoot me. and he said i did tell you to stop, but i didn't hear him). dose that count or is that RDM
Technically its not RDM as they did say something to you, but imo, it's such poor RP to just shoot at people who are driving past like that. I would advise not to use first person for driving though, as you really can't hear anything. One time I got sent to jail for failing to stop because I was in a truck in first person and had no idea the cops we're trying to pull me over.
thanks mate helped a lot. and im going to start recording police ramming my truck of the road XD
