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Raids only to be aloud during peak times


Well-known member
I've seen too many raids either on houses, containers and car garages happen during times that virtually cuts out any RP and makes it unfair for the person/persons being raided, last raid I know of was done this morning at 3am, my suggestion would be raids to only be carried out during times that makes it fair for both parties to have a chance to be online. i.e 4pm till 12pm that matches the times people can rob the bank, life invader and even lockpick certain buildings. I find this meta of police raids happening at 3am or 11am extremely one-sided that makes it a sure win for police.

CID/Police do a lot of work to get a warrant approved writing up docs etc OOC and I find raiding at these times are a easy way out.

Pros - Improved RP for police/crims

         - More balance for people being raid  

         - Easy implement

+1 - especially for the bank.

With the current restart times, someone doing the bank late at night/early morning just writes the server stability off until the next day which is almost zero fun for anyone still up and playing.

How often does this actually happen? Last time I remember a warrant being done before 16:00 was Vargos life ones almost a year ago,  excusing emergency warrants that haven't been approved by courts but executed because someone ran into a house with a weapon on them.

When the police turn up to raid people everyone else magically appears within 5 minutes anyway, Why should the police be limited as to what times they can conduct warrants if the person has been writing the warrant works shifts and is only around at weirder hours why should they not be able to execute something they spent time writing? by the same logic, should drug sales be limited to when there are at least 5 police officers online?  or Gus only works between 16:00 - 22:00? to "Improve RP"?

All of the criminal stuff like the bank and life invader is locked behind how many police are logged on AFAIK and is not time related.

How about we also stop crafting 3am to stop them 3 am crafters since usually no police are about. make crafting have to be done during peak hours. This flys both ways

I agree. 

Also, for balance. We should be sure to tack on; 

Criminals can only commit crime at peak times. 
In order to commit a criminal act at least 25 police officers must be online. 
This includes dealing drugs. 

This will surely improve RP. Police will always be on hand to provide you with the RP you so crave. 

Alternatively... don't store illicit stuff in your house. 

Having been on both sides of this argument, I cant lie it can be a bit shit if you have been raided at abnormal hours of the day. But in terms of a balance point, it could also be argued that a gang rushing a 'fully staffed' police station at 2am in the morning when there is minimal officers on making it far to easy for a 20 person gang to take it over and break out their gang mate for some fairly minor offences doesn't make sense and is extremely one sided and a sure win for the gangs.

I think it's a difficult thing to balance, and the suggestion you've made on it's own won't solve the issue at all - it will just flip the tables. Instead of Police raiding and no gang members being online, it'll be a team of 5 cops raiding, but peak time, so a 20-25 strong gang shows up. 

I agree. 

Also, for balance. We should be sure to tack on; 

Criminals can only commit crime at peak times. 
In order to commit a criminal act at least 25 police officers must be online. 
This includes dealing drugs. 

This will surely improve RP. Police will always be on hand to provide you with the RP you so crave. 

Alternatively... don't store illicit stuff in your house. 
I remember when the Lost got raided and everyone agreed even from lost side that it didn't make sense to have a raid either at a weird time or when nobody was on (don't remember exactly the details but i remember there was something about it also not saying people need to be on for the raid). --> FYI just using as example not throwing shade
I think what people want is for raids not to happens during crackhead hours i guess, its the same with any crim if they wanna per say "raid a place" there needs to be set conditions met to do that as it should. (Pharmacy, Bank, Police station)
Now as for the commit crime at not peak times, i mean realistically, what advantage do you get for committing crime at not peak times? i mean you can sell drugs that are basically the same money as doing taxi so doesn't make any difference or give any advantage if it was something like bank or something that would break the economy i would 100% agree with you but its not the case its the same as telling taxi drivers to stop taxing when its not peak times.

Also i feel like the reason why Michael said time related instead of someone being online to raid is because it would be logistically better for cops because otherwise there would be a load of warrants that havent been done because the owner of said property hasn't been online (thats why i think he suggested it time based).

Now genuine question how does raiding someone at peak times affect balance vs raiding someone at 3AM ?
How i see it is if the criminals try anything to protect the raid they will be fucked even more with warrants and sentences so what difference does it make besides give more RP ?

It feels like i am back at playing rust when i can't go to sleep because offline raids (jokin)

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Criminals can only commit crime at peak times. 
In order to commit a criminal act at least 25 police officers must be online. 
This includes dealing drugs. 
To do crim RP it requires someone else to do RP with (unless its selling drugs to make money) e.x robbing someone , killing someone , fighting someone, kidnapping someone, stealing a players car.  No where in the post does it state police cant still police people at weird times, police on duty will still look for criminals and arrest people thats roleplay.
Criminals can do crime and police can still do their job no matter the time.

But a 4am raid on someones house when there is about 15-25 players on the server max? there is no roleplay in that and its only a win for the police.


it will just flip the tables. Instead of Police raiding and no gang members being online, it'll be a team of 5 cops raiding, but peak time, so a 20-25 strong gang shows up
From all the raids I've seen I've never seen less the 15 armed feds during a raid, with all the nearby roads blocked off. If police are wanting to raid a known gang members house then it should be planned out and manned up , Gang members are told how stupid it is do crime near or at PD as we have to RP that the PD is always fully manned ( even when its not ) so in reality police should expect some type of resistance in raids when its on a known gang member, not a quick 5 min job at 4am and definitely not a 5 man only raid.


How about we also stop crafting 3am to stop them 3 am crafters since usually no police are about. make crafting have to be done during peak hours. This flys both ways
Im not even going to comment on this, but this feels like its a salty comment because someone has voiced their opinion on police on the server. 

There are many problems that need addressing from both crim and police side of roleplay, everyone is guilty of bad roleplay towards a crim or the police, we need to do better as a whole, but a 4am raid is a joke and shouldn't be allowed.

This suggestion gets a +1 from me.

Everything ive said is simply my opinion (police mains do not attack me plz n thx)

I strongly disagree with this, criminals can commit crime at ant hours there may be limits as to doing banks however I know of officer who have been kidnapped at stupid hours and told to release cars ect and irl I was on a house warrant that we exicuted at 4am to reduce the risk so I feel the only way this would work would be to ban all criminal activity outside eof peak times. 

Furthermore the police irl can enter and search houses far more easily than on here for balance reasons 

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I strongly disagree with this, criminals can commit crime at ant hours there may be limits as to doing banks however I know of officer who have been kidnapped at stupid hours and told to release cars ect and irl I was on a house warrant that we exicuted at 4am to reduce the risk so I feel the only way this would work would be to ban all criminal activity outside eof peak times. 

Furthermore the police irl can enter and search houses far more easily than on here for balance reasons 
That last bit just tells me you dont want any interaction with crims when raiding houses and want a 'walk in, walk out' type of job. I'm sorry but this is a roleplay server and raiding a house at 4am when the only people that'll be on the server are yourselves and a couple others doesnt sounds like quality rp to me

As someone who has spent their entire time on the server involved in raids and planning operations, I can say most of CID's raids occur between 8 pm and 11 pm, as this is normally when most units are on. Now there are occasions where raids are conducted outside of these hours. Yes, some examples are 

1. emergency warrants "which only an SI can conduct."

2. Car warrants "Most are conducted at 8 pm usually if planned, but for the likes of warrants that are there to seize the car, its more of a case if the cars found better to seize it there and then due to the fact the car can be moved,

3. day of operations, now these are rare, but when units decide to raid multiple properties, a longer time frame is required,

4. Intel has been received, and it needs to be acted on within a time frame " which is rare in itself"

Overall, raids outside of the time frame of 8 pm restart are rare due to the fact most of us don't want to be on raiding at 5 am as 8pm it more  fun and leads to more rp when the owner is on, or so is the gang 

 Do I think it needs to be set in stone that a raid can only happen at certain times? No, due to the fact it will create a heightened awareness that raids will come between that time 

but it's more of an unwritten practice to do it between those hours. Now I'm open to suggestions from crims on how to make the experience better for those being raided as id rather it leads to some decent RP rather than just seizing guns and drugs. 

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I agree with that raids shouldn’t happen at quiet hours as it really provides no rp, you fly in and see a message from g6, if you don’t know that it puts a warrant out for you or cid are after you it limits your rp. I’ve been victim off a 10am raid before and no I’m not salty about it because I didn’t really lose much other then a couple off keys off coke and I only got 60 months but the fact is I was left so clueless and no real rp was provided I had to go to pd and force the rp which only happened because an officer did me a favour, I just think there’s a lot more rp that could be provided.

on the fact of crime shouldn’t be selling drugs or committing crime at late hours of the night, that is part of the rp criminals should be selling drugs in hours where police can’t catch them, it’s a criminals life line, how they make there money, they shouldn’t be selling in peak times because they don’t want to get caught, your not supposed to want the chase.

Anyway I agree here 

big +1 from me 


I see your problem, but your solution is unfair. Plenty of other comments such as Chilli, Qrow and other point out why thoughts, just because you would like to “fight” “stop” or “move assets” to stop police I don’t see why it would need to only be done when you might be around.

All of this just sounds like a load of people with skill issues.

Not everyone plays the same times. That's life.

People Rob shops and provide other criminal experiences in the day when there is near to no officers on duty.

IRL you don't even get notified by text you have just been raided so just be happy you get told instantly and can get involved if you are awake 

I agree. 

Also, for balance. We should be sure to tack on; 

Criminals can only commit crime at peak times. 
In order to commit a criminal act at least 25 police officers must be online. 
This includes dealing drugs. 

This will surely improve RP. Police will always be on hand to provide you with the RP you so crave. 

Alternatively... don't store illicit stuff in your house. 
You forgot about prison breaks at 3am 

Pretty sure I came home from work at 11am to messages saying my cars had been removed from parking at 10am on a weekday.

Wasn’t really exciting RP for me, couldn’t try and get them back, couldn’t have a police chase, couldn’t do nothing. Came home from work and they were all scrapped, was lovely.


I don't think we can even lockpick prison at that time ? Unless there is a certain amount of police on.
Used to be able too

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