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RDM by TKC GOdric

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): TKC GODRIC
Time & Date this happened: 14-05-2015 / 9:37 _ 9:00 danish time thad wil be 8 at uk time 
Which Server did this happen on: sever one
Description of what happened: we was going after a helly there was landing at a drugdealer and me and my pcso was going fore them we dit se thad thay dit try to take us down so i dit go arund and trake them thay dit se me and told me to take my hands up in the air and i dit it and he dit kill me with no waring 
What Rule Was Broken ?: RDM/ no roalplay 
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: no
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)

Hang on... right at the end of that video (where you put your hands on your head and stood patiently behind a wall in a building outside the potential firezone), you said ON TEAMSPEAK "they have nothing to say, they are running around, they do not have any visual on me, what are they doing?" Then you died in a hail of bullets.

Um, is it just me, or is it possible that TKC Godric didn't actually have a damn clue that you were in that spot with your hands on your head, and just got sick of what he saw as non-compliance with his surrender order, and started taking potshots in the building?

You yourself have acknowledged that he cannot see you.

Can you PROVE that he intended to kill you with those shots? Or that he actually SAW you with your hands on your head?

I am not intending to make Godric's defence for him, and certainly there isn't a great deal of RP coming from TKC here, but I do at least clearly hear him (or someone on that side of the fight) warning you and/or your team to surrender - so they do at least get a brownie point or two for that.

You, on the other hand, said sweet fuck all, as far as I can tell from that video. You were not in plain sight, and although you HAD complied, nobody (on the other team) was informed! The enemy is surely going to assume that the threat (i.e. you) is still a threat, until they know it is safe to approach. You should have been yelling IN-GAME "my weapon is down, my hands are on my head, I am in the building - cease fire and I will exit (or) come inside, I cannot shoot... we surrender".

Instead, you chose to have an out-of-game private conversation with your buddy on TS... bad call, imho.

Don't get me wrong... I commend you for surrendering, but think it through. How was Godric to know that you had complied with his order? What would YOU have done in that situation, if the roles were reversed? Would you have gone strolling into that room in the off-chance that the unseen enemy MIGHT be standing there nicely with his hands on his head, or might you lay down a bit more warning fire into that room, because the bugger had hidden himself behind a wall (perhaps so that he could take a killing shot, you might think) and wasn't responding to any of your shouts?

I can't in all good conscience call this bannable without evidence from another angle - to me, it looks like you suffered from a bit of an RP-fail yourself, with all due respect.

as i dit do i dit say thad thay dont say enything to us not roalplaying i dit stand with my hands on my head and dit do what i cut do and then as you can se he dit rund down so he cut se me and then he dit kill me as i se it thad is rdm becos he cut se me and he dit kill me 

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