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RDM on Medics

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):  Sako and Fugly
Time & Date this happened: 11:59pm (GMT+0)
Which Server did this happen on: 1
Description of what happened:
Myself and STU. Stuart were responding to a NHS dispatch from the peach fields outside Kavala, where upon we found a car blocking the road (With the casualty in it.) However before we could get out to help we drew fire from either side of the road, this is where I start recording, my wheel gets damaged dragging me to my left meaning I crash into the stationary car. I soon get killed by the shooting, shortly followed by the death of STU. Stuart. We had at no point had any interactions with the two persons named in this report and we did not leave the car before getting killed. 
Further to this the idea that we were caught in the middle of a crossfire can be ruled out as it can be clearly seen/heard that after both of us die within the car the shooting stops, ruling out the idea that we were shot be accident. Meaning that we were indeed the target of their murderous fire. 
What Rule Was Broken ?:
- 3B) RDM
- 3M) Killing a Medic
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No as the server restarted shortly after
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
https://www.dropbox.com/s/mc2odlbkl3vfgiq/arma3 2015-09-17 00-00-28-765.avi?dl=0 
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