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RDM - Pvt.Thresh [IF] - Pvt.Andreas [IF] - Pvt.Ismet [IF] (Awaiting further evidence)

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): The IF Clan - Pvt.Thresh Pvt.Andreas Pvt.Ismet

Time & Date this happened: Right before the 8 o'clock restart 25/01/2015

Which Server did this happen on: Server 2

Description of what happened: We were in our pickup truck around 6 or 5 of us heading to Athira, right outside the Donator shop when we heard these guys telling us to stop and put out hands up. After the big surprise of being robbed since it's right outside the safezone the driver stopped. One of our guys tried to shoot them and he died. They then open fired on us, despite us shouting dont shooting we are coming out with our hands on our head. The video proof shows it all. As soon as I get out and holster my weapon, I get shot. I'm pretty angry because I literally spent all my money and have only 70k left in the bank, and get RDM'd by some idiots.

What Rule Was Broken ?: RDM

Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No, couldn't find them on teamspeak.

Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)

You missed the part where you stole from us in the green zone and threatened Thresh, since you basically already robbed us in a green zone and threatened Thresh there is no RDM , We also told you to stop, you were about to drive past but crashed in to the wall. Blame yourselves for being stupid robbing and threatening in a green zone.

hey dudes, were is the part of the movie we can see you steal my ammo in green zone (Donator) and also threatening Thresh in it?

and instead of putting your hands up you started running as you can see in the video

Btw, this report is pretty fail.. "One of our guy tried to kill them but got killed, then they opened fire". You did just answer the question yourselve. We are allowed to open fire after u've done that

Not our fault you're poor, You stole Ismet's magazines inside a greenzone and threatened Thresh, Wich made us able to open fire on you, but we wanted to keep it on a nice level and tried to roleplay with you instead your guy opened fire on us, This report is like you want to get yourselves banned.

Because my name is mentioned first and I was the guy who kind of was leading us during this event, I'll try and defend our cause in a propper way. 

I'll try and explain everything in detail. 
(Note that I'll post a YouTube link later when one of the others has the video uploaded, proving our story)

Me and my friends were at the Donator Shop, about 500 meters away from where we shot down these men. 
One of us was low on ammo and another one had a lot of it  (cannot remember who the two were, since there was actually 4 of us if I'm not misstaken) and they started dropping ammo on the ground so we could split it even. 

These fine gentlements however stood around and bought items for themselves but out of nowhere they start picking our ammo up. We tried to say "Hey, what are you doing, you're not allowed to do that here, we got it on our gopro's" etc. 

The man who took the ammo jumped into the offroad that you guys can see in the video and the ones in the back started aiming at me. 
I rose my weapon and asked "Why are you aiming at me, I've done nothing wrong. Give our ammo back"
This makes two people from the offroad jump out and stand around me while aiming at me (still in the greenzone) saying "Who the fuck are you", "Back the fuck off", "What the fuck do you want?" I don't remember the EXAKT words, but that was the meaning of what they said and I recall them saying the word "fuck" several times. 
Somewhere during this, they also threaten me with words. 

We decided to take this outside of the greenzone and drove away ahead of them, setting up a road block.
We did not intend to rob them, all we waneted was to catch them, restrain them and talk in whitechatt to tell them about what happened and that we just want our ammo. It's not like we NEED it, because frankly I have enough money to buy ammo for the rest of my life but it's principal really. 

As their offroad came up, we screamed at them to stop and they try to make a run for it through a stone wall. 
Doing this, they actually get a crash stop and loose their front left tire, and as I'm standing infront of the car to the right (Seen from the drivers perspective), I shoot out the tire because I thought they were still moving. 
When I opened fire on the tire, one guy from the back of the offroad starts to shoot me (And I got hit) and I return fire and instantly kill the first guy off. 
After that, the others starts to shoot too and all of us in IF starts to shoot, killing everyone but two guys, the driver and one in the back. 
I shot the guy in the back when he was out of the car, simply because we told them to get their hands on their heads but he aimed on my friend. 
I don't know if he tried to put it on his back, backpack or put his hands on his head, but he was aiming upon my friend. 
Since they already shot at us, I took it as him trying to kill him so I pulled the trigger first. 
The driver was told to stand still, but he kept running around and was shot down aswell. 
After looting their guns we packed up and went back to the Donor Shop where we met a Medic Heli, and simply told them in whitechatt what happened and Roleplayed with them making them leave the area. 

This is the entire story and as I said first, we will post our video after this. 
I ask the Admin reading this to take a closer look at their version where they actually say that they started shooting first, and that was the guy in the back trying to kill me. 
I also want to ask the Admin if this really is a RDM, because to my eyes and ears, it's not. 

Kind Regards. 
Thresh, IF.

The guy who shoots me is in the back as said before, on the right hand side closest to the passenger seat. 
You see me shooting at the front right tire, and the guy in the back pulls up his gun and starts shooting at me and dies half a second later. You can also hear one of them saying "I shot one of them" later in the video, and for a second it does look like if I died because I instantly went laying down on the ground when I got hit and got the instant headshot right after on the guy who shot me.
Really guys? RDM? 

EDIT #2;
I also see that they actually DIDNT loose the front left tire, which I thought they did. 
My bad. 
I guess the car got stuck on the actuall wall then.

EDIT #3; 
We were 4 players at the donator shop, but one got left behind and was still there when this firefight happened.

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any chance of a bit of prologue to the video please?

I will counter all of your mostly false accusations tomorrow, as I have more important things to do than waste my time with this report! And please do post that video at the donator shop as I was unfortunately not recording at the time, it will help greatly in revealing the truth.

Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): The IF Clan - Pvt.Thresh Pvt.Andreas Pvt.Ismet

Time & Date this happened: Right before the 8 o'clock restart 25/01/2015

Which Server did this happen on: Server 2

Description of what happened: We were in our pickup truck around 6 or 5 of us heading to Athira, right outside the Donator shop when we heard these guys telling us to stop and put out hands up. After the big surprise of being robbed since it's right outside the safezone the driver stopped. One of our guys tried to shoot them and he died. They then open fired on us, despite us shouting dont shooting we are coming out with our hands on our head. The video proof shows it all. As soon as I get out and holster my weapon, I get shot. I'm pretty angry because I literally spent all my money and have only 70k left in the bank, and get RDM'd by some idiots.

What Rule Was Broken ?: RDM

Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No, couldn't find them on teamspeak.

Please post video evidence/screenshots here

(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)

Not RDM, you initiated the gunfight.

I'm still waiting for you Robb to counter my, if I quote you, lies. 

I sadly also have to inform that the only footage we have is a AFK friend outside of this situation. 
Therefore we cannot actually prove Robb and his friend stealing in the greenzone. 

However, regardless if we count the theft in the greenzone or not, it's still not a RDM as I've said several times and even Neo. 
We tried to stop you, you maded a run for it, I shot out your wheels, you guys try to kill me, you guys die because my aim was better than yours. 
It's really as simple as that. 
I'll stop commenting now and wait for the admins to make a call about this. 


Is that aimed towards me, Steph? 

Regardless of that, are we guilty of RDM or not if I may ask? :)

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I would also like to question rule number 3 about reporting a player. 
It clearly says not to edit footage in a attempt to get someone banned.. I kind of feel this is a attempt to get someone banned with a edited footage. 
Because think about it, their evidence video starts the same second they drive out of the donator zone, and they said they didn't have any footage from inside the donator zone? 

To me, it feels like they got mad about us seeking revenge for them stealing our stuff in donator zone and they tried to get us banned for it. 
I'm not saying that they HAVE broken rule number 3, I'm just questioning how they cannot have a tape of what happened inside the donator zone. 

I would also like to question rule number 3 about reporting a player. 

It clearly says not to edit footage in a attempt to get someone banned.. I kind of feel this is a attempt to get someone banned with a edited footage. 

Because think about it, their evidence video starts the same second they drive out of the donator zone, and they said they didn't have any footage from inside the donator zone? 

To me, it feels like they got mad about us seeking revenge for them stealing our stuff in donator zone and they tried to get us banned for it. 

I'm not saying that they HAVE broken rule number 3, I'm just questioning how they cannot have a tape of what happened inside the donator zone. 
I literally just cannot be bothered with fools like you, I only started my dxtory when we got out of the donator shop because why would I need it inside? You guys said you had your "go pro" on and were going to report us. So please go ahead! and show us this footage of us breaking the rules and I'd be delighted.

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