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Recent Map changes



Having the recent map update (housing revamp), I was wondering does the management team / devs discuss this kind of stuff with the community before hand / voting etc to keep the community on-board or just launch the changes / updates upon staff discretion itself ?

PS: I like the group bases concept & the menu system. Very well done! Although, it seems that we have all lost the loot in our crates before the update (e.g guns and shit). What's the guidance to get that back please ?

Kind Regards, 


You haven't lost it - its been moved to the Windows key interaction menu within your house.

we 4 guys from our gang get kicked out of server right at the end of receiving mission file 47K downloaded and then we get kicked... tried 2-3 times each one of us...

we 4 guys from our gang get kicked out of server right at the end of receiving mission file 47K downloaded and then we get kicked... tried 2-3 times each one of us...
Try restarting your game client maybe?

i'm seem to be having the same problem, I start to download the mission file and then its randomly just  kicks me from the game, ive resetted my computer and router to see if it was a problem on my end to no avail, is there any way to manual download the mission file or fix the issu? as I'm pretty certain its server side 

Just a thought, but what about hosting the latest mission file on something like google drive, then ppl can download it much quicker and significantly reduce the server load
