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John Rivers

Well-known member
United States, VA
It's been 1 or 2 years now, but I'm back! And within an hour I had a very interesting rp session with @K.Tigerforce & @Mahula Triton.

Welcome back dude. Can't say i remember what the situation was, but i'm glad you enjoyed it.

Welcome back dude. Can't say i remember what the situation was, but i'm glad you enjoyed it.
Remember, I didn't know who Poseidon were and I surrendered myself when I was surrounded in the reeds and y'all tortured me.

Oooh that one. I just came in in the middle of it and watched for a bit. I believe it was @Slawek Orion in there with you, instead of me.
Nah, i don't think i tortured this guy, haven't tortured anyone in a while actually.
