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Recording Artists/Mix Engineers report in!


Well-known member
Not seen a thread dedicated to the hardest work known to mankind yet... mixing and producing! These guys and gals dedicate years of their life slaving away over 3 minutes of audio that will be played endlessly on the radio for a week and then discarded never to be heard of again! It would be cool to meet other people with an interest in recording and hear your work, hopefully we can all learn something from one another! 

Here's a cheeky Motley Crue cover I started the other day because YOLO. Currently in the process of programming drums and bass as I have neither available to me, the guitars are all guide tracks to be recaptured which is why they're all tonally different - any suggestions on getting these sounding richer and more defined will be welcome! But yah ideally I'm looking for feedback on how the drums and bass gel together, the country paradiddle swing rhythm thing was pretty hard to recreate and I'm hoping I've got the classic 80s massive punch snare sound nailed.

(Bonus points if you can spot the velocity error)

Only rule for this thread is to remember that people put lots of hard work into their mixes and so if your feedback consist of "this is shit" please explain WHY to that person! Otherwise improvement can't happen.

Lets hear your work guys!

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