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Red/Rebel Zone

Do we want the Red/Rebel Zone to be KOS?

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I like to state this for the one sided party, if you simply dislike a KOS zone, then do not go into it. It be pointless to call it THE RED ZONE if you can't KOS. This also do'es bring back a helpful way for people who got that itch. It helps with the rp bullets in a way. So this vote is utterly pointless as to the fact its one sided party lol... 

Also a meme for this.


Put it this way its not like that part of the island was being used and would just be dead again if the red zone wasnt there.

Maybe you could implement something that has a reward for the risk of going into the KOS zone, for example the cost of weapons. Maybe you could make somebody save something like 10-20% on things in the store at the KOS zone making people who want to save that little bit of money go there and the high rollers can spend the little extra and re gear at full price in a safer area.

Just a little idea.

Put it this way its not like that part of the island was being used and would just be dead again if the red zone wasnt there.
You misunderstand something, the redzone is only really being used currently as you have to gear there as a rebel. While you may think its because its a red zone, its not its because we want to gear up.

I'd like to direct attention to my suggestion thread here: 

Where people were moaning about making only cops KOS in rebel zones, mostly staff and cops, And yet you're ok with making rebel full KOS???


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i totaly agree and i for one have not and never will be a fan of the red zone but its here its staying and as wilco said its only a small part of the map and im sure in the near future there may be a safer place added for rebels to go gear up

but for now if you see unmc soilders at either op dont be afraid just approach unarmed pay a small fee and you will be able to gear up under the safety of my soilders

Or we can KOS them and get some good guns for free. Sounds good.

I dislike the Red zone as it will be camp heaven for trigger happy people. Unless there is a black market "toyshop" somewhere in the safe RP area, it just seems as an attempt to force rebels to have lower gear so that cops will have a fighting chance, not that it will help them or anything. 

I agree with some one's idea that the RED ZONE must be for KOS against cops and such pests only. As it has rebel outposts, weed field and all that good stuff. Exactly how it would be in Mexico cartels. So cops would not dare to poke their noses there but for civilians and rebels it would still be a RP zone like it is everywhere else.

i agree that police should pay for loadouts, the only time a cop values his life to the max is when its 4am and theres 2 cops on.
I dont really think so. Its a bit sad that you talk about ALL 

cops in general. I mean there are really good RPrs and a lot of ppl actually do value their lives. I understand your point though. But if you have a problem with someone just take it to TS, notify his higherup and it should become better. If it does keep on going, there are other alternatives. I mean there are plenty of things Police can complain about rebels aswell. This is coming from an ex-rebel (currently Police).

Weapons are meant to be hard to get, and personally, I believe the redzone to be an extremely positive addition to island. It allows a place where rebels can't always swing their cocks around thinking their the best, and everyone from a lone hobo to a gang will feel a bit of risk entering. As Wilco mentioned, being a rebel isn't supposed to be risk free as it was.

This will encourage people to value their lives more, as the gear costs risk, time and money - rather than just money as before. As a previous rebel, I have millions stacked up in the bank and money isn't a problem - However having NLR on both rebel outposts is. It gives people more opportunity to just talk to people rather than the old "Hands up or I'll kill you". It takes the power partly away from rebels, and people will look up more to those that have the balls to venture into the redzone and buy their gear rather than moaning on the forums that its too hard.

made 3 atempts to go there, just to check it out, unarmed, no gear at all .... all times got shot even before i aproach enough to see something... in my modest opinion BAD, REALLY BAD idea... roleplay server... remember

It is not rebel land it is just some extra land for UNMC :$

Red zone is KOS. it's allright, ofc sometimes you get annoyed cuz you get shot as soon as you get in there but hey.. atleast not everyone is able to get a gun that easy.

If you want to play as a killer clown go there dress yourself with some big boots and a nice costume and go kill some people.

Maybe add a blackmarket in the UNMC area but make it 2-3x the price. Think of it like an import tax.

Rebels are supposed to be people that know the land people that you don't fuck with not people that are scared to go into a part of the map because there are some nasty people that are going to shoot at them here's a tip how about you work together to take over the outpost learn to shoot effectively and fucking grown a pair of balls and stop bitching on the forums 

not everthing is going to be feed to you on a sliver spoon especially not large rifles


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I think it should stay, high risk high rewared if you want gun, yesterday i had roleplay and gun fights there so you can have both.

Maybe now there is a job opertunity to sell weapons to the people scared to go into the red zone? 

I think it's made more RP than taken away. Half the time there was never much RP at the outposts anyway...

Personally I think the redzone is a necessity. 'It's a roleplay server not KOTH' Yes I and everyone else understand that BUT people DO like letting off steam on their favourite server and I personally would rather someone do it in a zone that I EXPECT to get shot at rather than ruining/creating a bullshit roleplay scenario with two outcomes; they die or you die.

The police cannot patrol the whole island that they have control of as it is. The UNMC rightly control a section. The redzone creates another huge part of the map that the police don't have to care about, therefore meaning they can focus on places they really need to; less ground to cover the better. (I know this is hugely because I am a cop, however in my eyes it suits perfectly as the police are essential to the server.)

The zone has been implemented for less than 24hours and there's already a vote to get rid of it? Not much of giving it a chance.

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Personally I think the redzone is a necessity. 'It's a roleplay server not KOTH' Yes I and everyone else understand that BUT people DO like letting off steam on their favourite server and I personally would rather someone do it in a zone that I EXPECT to get shot at rather than ruining/creating a bullshit roleplay scenario with two outcomes; they die or you die.

The police cannot patrol the whole island that they have control of as it is. The UNMC rightly control a section. The redzone creates another huge part of the map that the police don't have to care about, therefore meaning they can focus on places they really need to; less ground to cover the better. (I know this is hugely because I am a cop, however in my eyes it suits perfectly as the police are essential to the server.)

The zone has been implemented for less than 24hours and there's already a vote to get rid of it? Not much of giving it a chance.
There's now finally a way for players like me to quickly buy a handgun and 'rdm' everyone in sight when we get pissed off and not get banned for it, or break any rules in the process. 10/10 Best update.

It's weird that the complains are coming from day 1, without even proper trying to see what happens.

- You can't buy guys because (new update) everyone went there;

- There might be another trader to buy guns from but, you'll pay the price for it;

- We listen to the feedback, but we need time to see whats right or wrong.

So keep the feedback coming, and not the perfect server ideas because each one has their own.
