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Reece smurf's ban opinion

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Well-known member
Alright so I'm not here to cause trouble, If the post is against the rules let me know and I'll remove it, I mean no harm with it just here to express my opinion. 

So recently (about an hour ago from this post) Reece Smurf a long time community member and a high ranking member of the UNMC was permanently banned from the server having his unban appeal denied. Now I have absolutely no connection to Reece, infact I don't think i've ever interacted with him but I feel like his ban is slightly unjust and despite it being a reoffense I don't think it warrants a long time contributer and member of the community a permanent ban. 

so as you can see by the report here: 

 Reece wasn't entirely in the wrong and from my point of view I can see why he did what he did. UNMC vs Police had already been initiated apperantly due to an officer mistakenly RDM'ing an UNMC member. Now Reece could have easily spent some time speaking to Angelfall and the other officers on the castle but he had no way of knowing that they didn't know what was going on down at the drug dealer and in the heat of the moment as tensions are building up he would perhaps rather focus on keeping his comms clear and want to get info on what's happening on the ground. now if Reece would have shot the officers if ALL their weapons was holstered I can't tell but the PCSO had his weapon out and lowered which poses a threat to him if UNMC v Police gets initated down at the drug dealer. which ended up happening, when that scenario happens, although it may have been poor RP he had all right to shoot the officers He could have interacted more and played it out better that's for sure but to his knowledge he would have assumed Angelfall and the other officers would have known about the situation at the drug dealer. It was a small messup that could easily have been resolved instead of it leading to a longstanding member's permanent ban.

Was it poor RP? Yeah I suppose, It could have played out a different way but it was NOT Reece's fault an officer appearantly RDM'd a UNMC member and the fact that Angelfall and the other officers had no knowledge of the situation down at kavala drug dealer. these things go both ways, if Angelfall and the PCSO's had known about it and they'd rubbered and detained Reece I'm 100 percent sure it wouldn't have ended up in a report or a ban. I don't think Reece did much more wrong other than not saying much when they ran up to him in a situation where he was probably trying to get a sitrep from his fellow gang members at the drug dealer. I honestly think personally he should be given an extra chance as I can't really fault him for his actions. lastly, I'm gonna clarify I'm not trying to encourage gunfights over RP in anyway, I just don't feel what Reece did was wrong as Police had initiated on UNMC already and he had no way of knowing Angelfall and the other officers weren't involved, if he'd known I doubt killed them. I honestly feel like he should be given another chance to prove himself. As a community we shouldn't be so quick to discard veteran members. Give Reece another chance or atleast consider it.

Ok I think everything is a bit raw atm to be having this discussion. Lets talk about it next week when people are not so emotional.

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