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Remix out

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very sad to here u go u will be missed and dont worry well stay in touch from time to time

In my time in the Police Force, I've only seen you once and that was when we were pushing up the Rebel Outpost, it was quite fun. I think you are a good lad even though I've never spoken to you before.

See ya!

Didnt talk with you that much , but when i did you were a nice guy , good luck in whatever you do m8 !

Sad to see you go, I Didn't have much time to get know you better and the legend of great marksman will stay here forever! bye :/

Sad to see you leave. Best of luck mate.

Really enjoy the videos.

Unfortunately I never got to speak to you very much, but I will say that it's a shame that some people can't just accept that you're a good shot and need to resort to accusations. All the best mate, I will miss being mortified of facing you in a gunfight.

Sad to see you go mate, really great guy to talk to. Anyone who had a clue what they were talking about wouldn't be calling out hacks on you. I always kinda figured that was just a running joke that allowed us to rage when you wiped us all out at banks :(

i have never really spoken to you outside of admin stuff but you were alway's there to help people and from watching those clips i have to say you are very skilled at the game i hope you have fun while playing csgo and playing lol 

Didn't really speak to you much, but when you were Staff you were always there to help folks and approached in a kind way. Sad to see such a member go. Good luck in the future!

Damn, sad to see you go man. 

I wish you the best of luck in LoL and CS:GO just remember to watch out which region you've set it to matchmake in mate

Good luck in the future for whatever you do, and have fun with CSGO and LoL!

I've Only patrolled with you once or twice, it's still a shame to see you go.

Good luck with LoL, oh, and while you're at it, try smite! It's better!

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