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Renew Rent


Well-known member
I tried to renew my rent, but it was not possible. When is it about to open that option? Will we lose our properties, after the end of 60 days, or 28 for group properties?

Is it a subject of changings , again?

Moreover, if warehouse or bases are rent for 40 k per day, isnt it outrageous to rent a big house for 8k per day?

It should be at maximum 5% of a huge property rentas bases or warehouses are.

This might be a bug. However, what is happening when your trying also have you tried:

  • Pick a number of days you wanted
  • Then press pay?
However, if you might be only to pay forward to 60 days try to wait a few days and try it again with a day or two. I also agree the upgrades are overpriced especially for such small silly things and with rent oooooh, i got to pay 200K for a bungalow for 60 days. I would suggest putting a suggestion up talking about it and seeing what the community is and if it still doesn't let you pay rent to put a bug report on.
