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Rental Billboards - (Advertisements)

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Staff Team
Staff Team
In my bed
With the rise of businesses, I feel like this would be cool to see for example: "Vanilla Unicorn: Smoothies ________" or "Clinton Fuel Prices: Diesel: £__ Petrol: £__" and another one "Coalition will buy your business! Call this number: ________", a bunch of examples I can name.

I think dimensions should be a big factor as well so this billboard will be Height: 1080 Width: 1980 (Pixel), This is just an example.

Imagine driving down the highway and seeing a business originated in RPUK on a billboard, it's a flex for businesses and also it can be used for advertisements for cars, "PDM has a sale!" or "Benefactor have got these in stock!", I think driving and seeing businesses that are known on billboards would make a lot of people happy.

Certain billboards could be owned by players of the server for example if someone wanted something advertised they could ask "That will be 10k for this storm/day" or it can be ran by staff so it doesn't cause unwanted drama within the city.

The only con of this is that Devs will have to do a lot of work and I know that they're already full of a job list to do and are super busy, but I thought I'd suggest this as a fun idea, it can create RP and people can invest more into promotion than just tweedle.

This can also benefit graphics designers in the city including myself, it creates more jobs and more stuff to do.

As I always say, please give your opinion, do you think this is a good idea? Or do you think it's something that is stupid and shouldn't be focused on?

Would be nice to be able to pay for billboards in the city.

I think a week/month would be better than every storm as it is quite a lot of work for both the business owner and devs to make. There are a lot of billboards around the city so there would be potential for a lot of people. Both business owners and independent companies like miners, smelters and truck companies 🙂

Would be a huge money sink NGL 😛 I LOVE IT

would be cool if it was an instant change the moment you paid for it (or 5-10 minute cooldown) and it will show up until someone else pays for it.

I'd just run there to piss people off and to remove their billboards 😛

+1 I think this is a really cool idea, it might be a bit of a stretch but a whole new buisiness that revolves around renting out the billboard could be a thing? Almost like a dealership for billboards, you can buy one flat out for a price or rent it as suggested, but I understand that could be a bit much for just billboards. Super cool idea though!

Would be a huge money sink NGL 😛 I LOVE IT

would be cool if it was an instant change the moment you paid for it (or 5-10 minute cooldown) and it will show up until someone else pays for it.

I'd just run there to piss people off and to remove their billboards 😛
Why can I see you running to all of them and putting your advertisements up every single day XD

Great idea. Everything i see in the city should be influenced by player to player interactions.

Massive +Support

Love this entire suggestion a huge +1 for me, as a business man myself i would invest so much money into this xD 

Can i go one step further on this suggestion and say for double the cash of a billboard you could also hire the blimp for a week and have your gang name plastered all over it. 

This is implemented some time ago!

Thank you for your suggestion!

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