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Repair kit idea (changes to current update)


Staff Team
Staff Team
Brief Summary:

Alright, this will be a quick one to not annoy a lot of people, but IMO it is needed and this idea will keep everyone happy (both mechanics and QOL loving people)


Make all repair kits 100% chance, regular repair kits go up in price to a degree that it’s better off going to a repair shop to get your engine 100% top condition and cheap, people will then decide if they want to pay (for example) 3k for a repair of 70% that will break faster than a repair that will cost them 1k but make sure their car is in top condition and engine will last longer.

Detailed Suggestion:

Currently a regular repair kit to buy of a shop is anywhere between 200-500 pounds (depending on the shop owner)

1.change regular repair kit prices (warehouse order price) to 3000-3500 pounds (potential "recall" on all old repair kits)

2.ALL repair kits have a 100% chance of working, what kind of mechanic or a person who works on something relays on luck and chance? 

also remove tire repair kits and make the body repair kits include that - it's only available for mechanic shops anyways.

what you get is this:

Expensive + Fast = Low Quality

Cheap + Quality = Not Fast 

The Pros:

Makes everyone's life a bit easier (QOL) as it's a game after-all.

roleplay still stays around as people who need the car to look good and not break as quick will go to mechanics regardless (cheaper as well)

more money sink - regular repair kits (low quality) more expensive (another reason for RP as people would prefer going to a mechanic shop) 

The Cons:

changes and work for devs. 

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?

Not really, less of an impact than what it is right now.

3k for a repair of 70% that will break faster than a repair that will cost them 1k but make sure their car is in top condition and engine will last longer
£3,000 for a repair kit is extortionate and brutal for a new player.

The idea of making AE/Tirenutz the preferred option by lowering the price is a good idea but it shouldn't be that drastic. 

£3,000 for a repair kit is extortionate and brutal for a new player.

The idea of making AE/Tirenutz the preferred option by lowering the price is a good idea but it shouldn't be that drastic. 
Like I said, it's an example price, can be double the price of what Trienutz or AE take for an engine repair.

so a repair at Tirenutz/AE is 750/850? make the repair kit 1500/1700.

it is already that price now, I've seen it many times (myself included) that people repair the car 5-6 times with the regular repair kit to get it fixed (the chance percentage) and if you're unlucky it can even take 10 repairs!!!

so, 200*6=1200 pounds already and a lot of time spent on each repair, why not pay 1500 to have it done in one go? 

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