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Report a player - 1035 - GTA RP

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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Billy Huncho

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 1035

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 06/14/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 4004

What best describes this incident ?: (G6 & with intent to G1.3, Could be G1.2)

Please (in detail) describe the incident: I believe that these people broke a rule by robbing me, inside of the police station. The first clip shows the first interaction where we get on my bike and I think she's calm. She later runs up to me and shouts put your hands up whilst I'm at the station to pay off my tickets.

Clip 1 - We approach each other and he robs me in the station.
In addition the first clip, he says "I was tryna get in a police chase bro, I would do anything to get the police on us" which is a direct break of rule (G1.3). Plus to support this, there is a reason I ran into him at the police station as he was probably waiting for a police officer, then saw me as a target to have their fun and ego boost.

Clip 2 - Me complying, with putting hands up

Clip 3 - he asks for my 3 bandages. I called him a nitty, then get off as I have been robbed, and it's over. However, he then chases me out and kills me. He also attacks very fast which is suspicious as I wasn't able to get a lock on him even.

Clip 4 - They come back yet again around 6 minutes later, asking if I want to go swimming. My player is unconscious so I didn't respond.

Clip 5/6 - Her friend teleports mysteriously when I alt-tab with no footstep noises or anything. Then forces me in the car and then teleports away!

I hope these people get banned because they are on here to mess around and break rules just for their own fun, this ruined my experience as initially I just wanted to pay off my fines and not die. Thank you for reading.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

I would also like player 1049 to be investigated as I believe he may be using exploits. C2.2

 hi im id 1035 and i would like to state that i told him to put his hands up before he entered the police station (you can see in the clip he provided), in which he ran off inside the police station possibly waiting for someone to come help him may that be a police officer. he then eventually puts his hands up in which i search him as i am allowed to do that within the city. after he had gone to the desk and paid his fines he him and the other person who was with me started to fight in which i went up to him and told him not to fuck with him so i stabbed him, which i have full rights to as it was within a roleplay sitiuation and wasnt rdm as i had stated before to put his hands up and decided to run, i also dont understand how i could be using exploits as if i was to have used exploits the anti cheat system withing rpuk would have detected that type of stuff we had only came back around by chance as we was heading towards another location within the city.

billy has stated i was lotering around the building in which i was not as i had gone in there to pay my fines in which youll be able to see through player logs.  i was not teleporting as that is not possible for me to do. i agree to vehicle placementing him and telling him do you want to go for a swim to which he did not respond so therefore i thought he had popped his head due to no response so i left him after that and when he talks about teleports hes regarding my friends head popping and coming back due to a tecnical issue

in addition to this i want to state that im not in this city to mess around as i have full rights to believe what i done was within a roleplay situation, i also want to state that the person holding the report against did not one try to resolve this issue as there is no messages between us and this is my first ever altercation with him. and i would have rathered him come speak to me before hand other than reporting me straight away over something that i believe should not pose a problem.

If this is somewhat not within the roleplay standards I do apologise because I intend to fit the criteria needed to continue playing on this server which I enjoy. My actions will be corrected so anything like this will never happen againn

Kind regards player 1035

I can agree I did not try to resolve the issue with the player before reporting. I did not mean to check that box. As for not resolving, I didn’t know who this person is before this altercation so I don’t know where to message them.

Also if you check the clip 5/6 it was your friend who looked like they teleported to and away from the area.

I went into the police station to pay off my fines as I was going to pay off my fines for the night, then head off to get to sleep as I have my Maths A level exam at 1:30 today. Checking the clip, you did say to put my hands up, but at that time I didn’t know what you said and you where not directly in-front of me when you did so so I didn’t know you where mugging me then. 

In addition, their friend was chasing and attack me out first, then she jumped in to finish me off.

As for your pm to me. I feel that it is in-fact ‘deep’ and I need to report as I feel as you are not a good member of the community and I think you have broken the rules. However if you do prove yourself to me that you are in fact a good member, I will let you off.


he did not teleport, i asked him today and he had told me that his wifi had briefly cut out which reslulted i his character disappearing as it would have to had re-logged, i do feel like im a good member of this community in which i have minimal reports and i hope these offences dont result me in getting a ban.

It is literally unrealistic to be chasing someone and mugging them inside a POLICE DEPARTMENT, let alone being outside of it. You claim you're a good member of the community yet you've also received another report previously within the last week (however it was resolved). So I recommend you to have another read of the rules. You ruined my RP experience and unlawfully mugged me when I was alone and I don't think it was a nice thing to do as I was nice to you guys outside the PD as I was parking my bike. Why should I believe you are a good member of this community if this is the case? 

i already had stated that i asked you to put your hands up outside of the station, so there is no need for you to carry on saying that the altercation happened in the station when it clearly did not. i dont understand how i can unlawfully mug you when its your problem not comply in the first place, and as ive stated multiple times this is witin a roleplay situation, for example when i first joint the city i had went to taxi hire 2 random people came up to me out of no where telling me to put my hands up in which i complied with them then they stabbed be, i did not do anything as its within roleplay standards and if it wasnt i would have reported i used my story as an example as it the same thing that happened to you.in my opinion i think your looking into this situation a bit to much as it was only a minor mugging, if this situation has genuenly ruined your rp expirence, my bad mate i didnt think it was that bad to a point where you had to write out an report

You where actively mugging me inside of the police station with your knife out in the end part of the first clip. When you said "put your hands up" for the first time, I didn't know what you where saying and also you were more than a few metres away from me for a mugging. In addition, the first time you said it, I was on my way to the inside of the P.D, where you where running to me but I just assumed you where going to speak to me. 

Please have a think about these questions and answer them in your reply. Realistically IRL, right outside of a police station, will you chase someone going into the station with a knife? Also, why would you mug me when I was nice to you?

I believe you have no true intent to R.P. and just like to mug people. You don't consider any realism inside of RP and do as you please to get your own enjoyment of giving shit to people and spoiling their experience for fun.

i will be totally honest with you, you have made a big out of nothing this was our first ever altercation and i dont think it neded to go as far as it did, i hope your can forget about what has happened as l ive said multiple times it wasnt as serious as your making it to be this is gta ROLEPLAY  we are not talking about not real life, i hope you can forgive me and forget about this whole situation as i personally dont think its needed.

to respond to your question why would i mug you, my response is because this is it rp and robbing is allowed and from your clips provided you can hear and see that i said put your hands up and you looked back so you was fully aware of what was happening.

So instead of answering my first question, you just try to put it on me saying I made a big deal out of nothing and you think I shouldn't have reported you. First off this server is the best in terms of roleplay, and the roleplay on this server is kept to a high standard. You on the other hand decide to go against that with your unrealistic and poor quality roleplay. This server is meant to be played out as if it was in real life. I made a report as people like you ruin the fun and immersion in the server, also looking at the way you are handling it now you are making it harder for me to forgive you. 

Also I panned my camera to my bike to check up on it. You can see this as the minute it was out of frame I turned my camera back.

@b1lly@kenzaWould you be willing to jump into teamspeak or discord and attempt to solve this with myself present?

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


@b1llyThe call is yours to make, to either proceed with the report or close it as this cannot stay open for 2 weeks

Okay, if your actually going on holiday then leave it and enjoy your holiday 🙂. You wont be on for 2 weeks so hopefully you can spend your time enjoying your holiday and planning to come back to the city as a better person to help make our community better.

Also, can Admins please try to make sure she isn’t lying and check if she really is inactive in the city for the next 2 weeks.

Many Thanks

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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