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Report a player - 1086 - GTA RP

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Mike Polo

Dev Team
Los Santos Police
Republic of Ireland
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Brian McDermott

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 1086

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 04/25/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 320

What best describes this incident ?: G1.2 - RDM

Please (in detail) describe the incident: I was at tirenutz when a padrino pulled out his gun. I pulled my taser and asked him to drop the gun, and he didn't, so I tased him. I then got attacked by a bunch of people, all Padrinos, which is all fair game.
After the assault, I stepped back, reviewed my body cam, and went to detain the person with the gun for a stop and search, at which I was shot in the back of the head with no roleplay from 1086.
After which, I was just dumped in the Sea with very little RP
I expect Higher quality RP from a Gang in the server.
I took the person to the liaison, and they tried to justify it. In the end, they apologised, but there isn't any excuse for no RP

My Videos are all broken up because I was using Radeon ReLive but Gary (the Prob. PC) also has his Perspective.
But these are all the clips I have from the situation


Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Hey Polo, after we had a talk about the situation in discord I thought we cleared things up but you you still decided to put a report which I'm disappointed to see. Let me reexplain my POV,  you came up to TireNutz trying to arrest someone with a gun and attempted to tazer him you then proceeded to get assaulted by multiple people even outside of Padrino and you were told to leave, after this there was a 1000 different ways to continue the RP you could've went to CID or called in for more backup but you have decided to come back as a one man army against 9 people and decided to try and arrest him and in my opinion that was NVL. Now Polo, I honestly don't get the point of why this report is made as I don't see anything wrong after you tried to hands up a known OCG member with a GUN. Please could you tell me what you expected to happen?  Also please provide a full unedited clip to help staff determine and clarify and understand the situation.

Hello ita me PPC Gary 🙂 as requested I will put up a extended video of the situation if staff needs anymore footage feel free to contact me again and I will see what I can do 🙂

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Hey Polo, after we had a talk about the situation in discord I thought we cleared things up but you you still decided to put a report which I'm disappointed to see. Let me reexplain my POV,  you came up to TireNutz trying to arrest someone with a gun and attempted to tazer him you then proceeded to get assaulted by multiple people even outside of Padrino and you were told to leave, after this there was a 1000 different ways to continue the RP you could've went to CID or called in for more backup but you have decided to come back as a one man army against 9 people and decided to try and arrest him and in my opinion that was NVL. Now Polo, I honestly don't get the point of why this report is made as I don't see anything wrong after you tried to hands up a known OCG member with a GUN. Please could you tell me what you expected to happen?  Also please provide a full unedited clip to help staff determine and clarify and understand the situation.
As I said in Liason it isnt about you shooting me and more about the level of Roleplay Provided. I got shot with no RP and then as quickly as possible you put me in the sea with no roleplay

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Hello all,

I've reviewed the footage from all involved and what I can say straight off the bat, is that this is absolutely shocking.

Fair enough if the player accidentally pulled out the weapon but its a Roleplay server? Go with the flow? Don't say things like 'I had a muscle issue, which pulled the gun out'. That isn't only immersion breaking but it is borderline breaking RP.

Onto the actual situation at TireNutz, there was what...3-5 Padrinos versus 2 lone cops (Basically 1 considering the other is a Probie). @Mike PoloIt probably wasn't your smartest idea to attempt to arrest a man with a gun, with there being other Padrinos in the area on your lonesome. Could've waited for back up and tried to S47 those involved.


There are numerous ways this could've ended instead of the quickest way which was occurred here out of pure laziness. The quick kill, grab, dump method isn't High Quality RP. As I said prior, there are more Padrinos than there is cops. The situation could've and should've been fun for those involved;

Hostage Taking, remove all body cam footage, leave them abandoned somewhere up north?

Anything, absolutely anything would've been better than what I have just witnessed.

You could've engaged in High Quality RP when the fight happened, but you beat up the cop then proceeded to stand there having a chat with others when you've just been seen with a firearm, and beat up a cop...What else did you expect to happen? Did you want him to try and do his job in RP so you could kill, grab, dump to get on with your day?

Action: Warning

CharID: 84100

Rule(s): G2.3


Action: Permanent Ban Following FBS

CharID: 45123

Rule(s): G1.2

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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