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Report a player - 1105, 1129 & 1102 - GTA RP

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Legendary Donator
Legendary Donator
Los Santos Police
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Alec Hunter

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 1105 and 1129 and 1102

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 08/03/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 415

What best describes this incident ?: Low Quality Roleplay/Poor Roleplay - Voice IDing

Please (in detail) describe the incident: The clip will consist of two videos spliced and chopped up due to Discord being show and private messages along with that so my apologies for that, in essence, members of 229 and other individuals were being chased by Police after they found their vehicles to be suspicious and witnessed them fleeing from a shots fired dispatch, this vehicle lead the cops on a decent length pursuit and ended in Legion Car Park, the crims opened fire on cops knowing they had no choice left and were shot because of this, the cops then took the wounded to Pillbox Lower due to numerous vehicles being involved in the pursuit and wanted to seek safety within the hospital to attend to the wounded and get them back up on their feet, I attended Pillbox Lower in a vehicle I hadn't used in a long time (approx a week) and hadn't owned that long either, the vehicle has also been changing colour frequently to successfully avoid identification, I was sat down there "Waiting for a mate" as it were and this is the Roleplay story I chose, even opted to use a fake Mexican accent and terminology, to almost everyone in terms of RP this has thrown them off and i've been left alone, however ID 1105 rocks up as seen in the video hears one word from me in my "Mexican" accent and instantly Voice ID's me, i'm wearing completely different clothing, no Police Markings and a fully Black balaclava and Sunglasses, this then lead to ID 1102 holding me up at gunpoint and then ID 1129 ziptieing me (Despite what I would consider to be reasonable and good RP.) they had it dead set in their minds that I was Alec Hunter, what if I had been on my civ character? Which I have been doing around this time at night driving similar high end or import cars, moving swiftly on ID 1129 saw what I had written in OOC and still persisted that I was Alec Hunter, i'm not really sure exactly what rule this breaks but it's shit from them in my opinion.

This whole situation would've never happened and my character would've once again not been zipetied > stabbed > dumped in that order, the quality of Roleplay in this interaction was dog shit from these individuals and this whole "Voice ID" meta needs to start ending as soon as possible, it's ruining not just my time but others time on the server, especially as my character is in a unit specialising in Covert Operations, it's not fun at all, in addition to the poor quality roleplay and shocking voice IDing by these people I was dumped purely on the basis I had to "forget everything" another shit meta currently on going in my opinion, I was going to attempt to resolve things with the individuals and i'll be honest I changed my mind on the basis that if those doing this aren't visibly punished then things won't change on the server regarding quality of RP.

In addition to the above I believe ID 1129 is also breaking NLR as the individuals in question at the Prison breakout he references all bled out and died. (Relating to the Vagos prison break-in, in which a few Padrinos and lone wolves pushed the prison) This portion of the report is incorrect as apparently ID 1129 was not involved in the Prison Break-in against Vagos.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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Hello, I am 1129 in this situation.

Firstly I will state I am only going to be replying once and will cover all topics that need to, and then I will be leaving the decision to staff.
In the video you are seen to be driving a white mercedes E63, which was previously spotted at a prison break out, which is discussed at the end of your clip. However in the report you seem to have assumed which prison break out this was, it was not infact the "Vagos Prison Break-in, in which a few Padrinos and lone wolves pushed the prison" it was actually relating to where myself and other members of the 229 conducted a prisoner transport breakout, leading to serveral downed officers and the safe secure removal of the person being transported, members of the lost were also present this was a couple of months ago. Whilst some people went down during that situation their characters recieved medical attention and did not bleed out. This is where you car was spotted and was therefore referenced at the end of the video. 

Secondly I would like to state that whilst myself and I can only assume the others invovled saw your message in the OOC chat, using this information to stop/divert the current status of the roleplay that was being undertaken would be classed as metagaming, and I am sure that as you hold yourself to a "platinum standard" of roleplay that you understand this too, which leads me to question, what rule states that you are required to follow someones instructions in the OOC chat that is not a member of staff? As I myself would have seen this as clear metagaming. (G3.1) OOC Information - Using out of character information to influence the course of roleplay is considered metagaming and punishable by a ban. This includes but is not limited to: Twitch Streams, forum information and Steam messages. 

During the situation that was currently an on-going shootout with members of the police force, myself and others saw your car drive toward the garage and then park at lower pillbox, which appeared strange as previously stated there were currently multiple shots being fired before and after you arrived. This lead a member of 229 to approach your vehicle - Already assumed that it was yourself due to being seen previously a couple of months ago using the same colour and the same model, not only this but the fact that you were also stationed at lower pillbox during the situation lead myself and the other people to hightened suspicions. When they spoke to you, it was clear that you were putting on some sort of accent in attempt to conceal your identity, you were then left for roughly 2 minutes and then approached again this time leading to you being ziptied, in order to fully assertain your identity. Once I had ziptied you I conducted a search which lead my character to see a numerous amount of police equipment including a gun, warrant card and handcuffs, whilst it is possible for a civillian to carry this, during the situation and the way you had positioned yourself it didn't appear likely.

During this time you stated "this is fucked and you know it is" 3:46 with no attempt to conceal your voice and spoke normally - Whilst I can't confirm, it appears that you were hinting at OOC, and shortly after you posted a series of messages in the OOC chat asking to come to teamspeak, then becoming more agressive saying "fuck it" and changing your mind. Later on you were then driven to the hospital doors and asked if you can open them, to which you replied "I can't im in zipties" leading to a further assumption that you were police or some other authority. As normally the response would be something along the lines of "im not police, i dont have keys".

During the situation there was a numerous ammount of messages from yourself into the OOC chat, this appears that you directed your focus at the time to rules rather than carrying on the roleplay at hand.

Another thing that I would like to mention is that, I myself have read the rules numerous times and it is always my intention to follow them, however when i have previously read the rules and seen previous reports, I have never seen a rule stating that "voice ID" is not allowed, however in this case we used numerous pieces of information gathered over a period of time, such as your car, your suspicious activity and your voice to assertain your identity not only the fact that you spoke. So as for your point of if this was your Civillian character we would not expect you to act in the same way your police character did. 

You were killed due to your position as a police officer and mine as a criminal, leaving you alive with the information that you potentially gathered during that situation, could have lead to the interference of my Criminal activities in the future, and therefore the decision was made to kill you. 

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You were killed due to your position as a police officer and mine as a criminal, leaving you alive with the information that you potentially gathered during that situation, could have lead to the interference of my Criminal activities in the future, and therefore the decision was made to kill you. 
In other words, it was a ziptie and dump mentality for no other reason other than to ensure my character forgets everything, the Roleplay provided was piss poor that much is clearly evident, in addition to your claims of seeing the vehicle prior, the Mercedes previously back then especially wouldn't have been registered to myself nor would it have been white, that coupled with an instant assumption of it being myself noted by the "You alright Alec" at 0:56 in the video, you've instantly gone into a situation with the mindset of "Yeah that's Alec" without even attempting to Roleplay with myself, the standard you and others in that situation falls far below the standard I know 229 have been capable of in the past, lets face it, it's Voice ID and although not against the rules, had it have been another character of mine (of which I have two other characters) that would've been shocking character separation and as pointed out to me last night, RDM, this will be left for the staff to deal with and in relation to the use of OOC and my directed focus, throughout the video I maintained the Mexican persona and despite what I feel was good Roleplay on my part I was given nothing in return, something I expect from Pillbox Baldies, not yourselves.

I went passed you and said "you alright Alec" and you reported me? i am ID 1105 (the guy in the sultan)


^ Just going to leave this here ^

We also didn't "voice id" you, we recognised your car from a prison break situation a long time ago. so i dont know what i am been reported for here?

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


First off thank you for taking the time to make a player report @TommyTV

Little unsure on the issue with the 'Voice ID' claims however I'll address it and it's points below for this situation as what it seen and heard from the video.

So there are a lot of if's and buts within the report so lets start from the top to try and cover all of them. The voice ID. It was even posted within this report that indeed there is no set rule in a sense on voice ID, However it can fall under common sense, I'll explain about it below from what I mentioned in a previous report. 

"The other comment made was 'CAN NOT identify me by voice', So this is an interesting one that won't have a full answer overall but something to keep in mind. As this situation was two civilians over police/civ we will go off the civ/civ side to not confuse anyone based on the situation as a whole. When talking to anyone in game it is possible for people to use the same voice over a few characters, Now yes we shouldn't jump on 'Hey this is Brad' (as an example) when it's the player on another character who does sound the same, There does need to be some caution within some situations if there is any doubt. Such as going up to someone, Hearing their voice and forcing that name upon the player it might not be. Now some players can indeed lie about their name even if they are on the questioned character who you may know but as mentioned it's a good idea to air on the side of caution if you do have doubt until you are confident again it is the person you believe it is."

Another thing mentioned is and I'll quote "especially as my character is in a unit specialising in Covert Operations". Now looking over the video you are sat right outside of Pillbox where shooting is happening and going from what is said in the roleplay there we're people injured and under arrest inside. You mention by Charles 'however in this case we used numerous pieces of information gathered over a period of time, such as your car, your suspicious activity and your voice to assertain your identity not only the fact that you spoke.' 

Whilst yes you state you are in a Covert Operations unit, May not have been the best move to sit where you was however that indeed is up to yourself however as highlighted above did raise the suspicions.  

It's been mentioned in the report that this was and I'll quote "ziptie and dump mentality for no other reason other than to ensure my character forgets everything", However Within the first 30 seconds you hear multiple times other officers itching to shoot, Whilst yes they do listen to you when you said no it does also speak volumes when claiming this was an X mentality. Reason I mentioned this is this, Is due to the only evidence being provided was of you first pulling up to lower pillbox.

So at 17 seconds into the clip someone says hello to you and you then use your 'Mexican accent' to say hello back (In a sense) and they drove off. Indeed One minute in someone pulls up and does say 'You alright Alec'. Unsure if there was prior contact between anyone before this clip however it is explained further in your own video how they did know it was you from being at a prison break and them seeing you with your vehicle. 

Following this you did send a lot of ooc messages and from looking it was more you was upset and trying to get them to stop RP and come to teamspeak mid situation. Just to clear that point up, If there is an issue within RP you are to finish the roleplay and then talk about it either in TS/Discord after the fact. OOC Information or talking OOC during should have no impact on what happens, This is why we do liaisons after not during.

Now at 3:40 you are out of the vehicle, Ziptied and searched to where all your police equipment is then found on yourself so this does reassure the others that you are in fact a police officer as you have all your police equipment on your person. Moving onto 3:47 in your own video, You drop your Mexican accent and talk in your normal voice by stating "That's fucked and you know it is", So at this point they we're right all along and did provide you with how they knew it was you from the start. So based on all of that then it would be determined that you was never 'Voice ID'ed' as you claimed. 

Now yes whilst you was going past Hustlers you did attempt to go back into your Mexican accent and try and play off all the police items at this point I believe you didn't have much of a chance to convince others since you talked as your cop does and had all the items that simply people outside of the police might not carry.

You was asked if you had keys then said 'I don't know what you are talking about' then you are asked again and said you can't as you are in zipties, Again adding more to the credibility they know you are a cop. 

Moving onto the Roleplay from everyone. There was some conversation overall but more so going up great ocean where you was told it was an eye for an eye and you would end the same way as their friends. From this you just accepted the fact and said it's not your problem. Roleplay overall is a back and forth between both parties, When someone isn't willing to give nor take situations get poor very quick. Who knows maybe it would of ended a different way as a whole if both parties roleplayed with each other a bit more. 

Going from this I'll not say one side is at fault however both. Looking at the video provided you did talk with someone OOC a few times over roleplaying with the person who took you. When in an active roleplay situation the focus should be the roleplay happening not anything else during that time as we have a lot of 'Silent' moments all throughout, Maybe the situation would of gone different if the roleplay was there from both sides. 

So with all that being said Both @drippagefam& @TommyTVconsider this a warning that roleplay with people you are with more so when you are taking someone in zipties needs to be a higher quality, Also being the person ziptied doesn't mean you should just remain silent however both could of made this situation more enjoyable and better if both roleplayed with each other. 

With that being said this report will indeed be denied since this is more a verbal warning for both of you as from everything in the video would be happy that it wasn't a 'Voice ID'. 

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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