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Report a player - 142 - GTA RP

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Nex Fuze

Active member
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: nex fuze

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 142

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 04/23/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 11

What best describes this incident ?: rdm

Please (in detail) describe the incident: i was just driving around and as i go to approach someone in the impound i get boxed in by police (i instantly tried leaving the area as i knew i was banned from driving and they obviously boxed me in on purpose) as the police get out the car with no words said i instantly get tazed. i feel as if they had a win mentality as one of them said in the TS 'we knew you was going to try leave so therefore you was tazed to prevent your escape' in my opinion they broke a server rule just to win in a situation as they felt if they didnt break the rules then they would have lost the situation and id have got away. i believe the server is full of police that just want to win and it ruins the fun and rp for not only just me but for everyone else.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Okay Nex, I’ll tell the story from the start. 

My POV of the situation: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/iJZOCNhfEvKnt

A unit, L1-1, informed us over the radio they had seen someone handshaking and they had seen a firearm in their hand as they jumped off the bike (this being you but we don’t know until you are detained later on). IC-1, which was my unit, responds to the call but unfortunately when myself, PC Alfie McCoy, and PC Alec Hunter arrive on scene, you are nowhere to be seen. I ask over radio to L1-1 and ask what had happened and they explained how they attempted to follow at a distance but didn’t follow for long as;

1. They aren’t taser, nor FTOC Trained

2. They don’t have backup from other units.

This is the first instance of Failure to Stop that was talked about in Discord. 
Furthermore, you claimed in Discord that you had no acknowledgment of a police car being right beside you but did instantly get off the bike and leave the area completely. Doesn’t really make sense to me.

A few minutes later, we saw yourself on Elgin Ave (passing upper Legion Parking) and taking a left once you got the junction at Pillbox. We turned the car around, kept eyes for a little bit but you managed to get away as we took to long to turn around. 

Onto the situation at Impound. I was giving a lift to a guy that looked to be running to impound but when we were arriving, we saw the bike (that I had placed on the watchlist after losing you the first time) had pinged the ANPR Camera across the street and therefore I planned to box you in, jump out and ask you to step off the bike. As I boxed your front, you reversed back straight away and then drove out the impound. I made the split second decision to tase you off the bike, considering the fact;

- We lost you twice already

- You have a suspected firearm which is taken seriously for the police

- You match the exact description given by the officers

- And the fact your character has lost their license. Clearly you have lost your license for a reason and the main reason would be because you’re a bad driver/you fail to stop for police often so you’d then be putting the members of the public at risk with a pursuit.

To prevent you escaping, I tased off the bike which was successful and then detained you for a search.

Nothing in this situation was random. Nothing. As explained in Discord, with the presence of @Logan, pre-emptive tactics were used to prevent you escaping police once again. You may claim Poor RP was involved which can be true but in my eyes, I used a proportionate amount of force in that situation. 
Also, do you want to talk about what happened  after I detained you? After being placed in cuffs, you provided Poor RP yourself. As explained by you something along the lines of “I am not going to provide Good RP if Poor RP is given to me” in Discord (they aren’t your exact words but that’s the message you put across). 

In the moment I realised that I had provided sub-optimal roleplay towards yourself therefore I tried to improve the experience from then onwards by chatting to you, asking you relevant questions like “Why are you driving disqualified again after I caught you a few days ago?”. You gave me very short answers to my questions. You even said multiple times that you wanted to get in the car and get it over and done with. I was planning, because of different factors, to deal with you by the roadside and let you off with a fine. Main reason would be, because I am Roads Policing, I wanted to seize your bike.

One more thing, you think you provide good, realistic RP? The start of your video is fucking appalling. That’s all I have to say.

Really trying to get a one up on me by bringing up I tazed locals ? Literally what I did to them you did to me mate lmao. Just I’m a player not an AI. 

Plan on replying about the report…?

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(G7.5) Police Sirens - When the Police put on their sirens lights to pull you over to attend a scene this does not mean RP has been initiated on their point, if you shoot without engaging in RP then this is classed as RDM.

Realise that talks about you (criminal side) not shooting police?

Hello @Nex Fuze& @richarddias

Alright, so I've went through the footage provided from both sides and have read what both of you have had to say...

I will start off with @Nex Fuzevideo, so there is nothing wrong with him tasing locals but it could come down to cop baiting if he is deliberately trying to get police attention but as seen in the video there wasn't anyone around when he was doing it.

@richarddiasYou have stated that someone matching the description of @Nex Fuzewas being chased by another unit but then eventually lost him, you then seen someone at the impound matching his description and when he was moving away you then tase him off of the bike without engaging in any form of quality roleplay, now I feel as though this could of been done very differently I think you definitely should of said something to him before tasing him off of the bike as this is your first time encountering him and you should give him enough time to comply with your demands.

Action Taken

CharID: 52043

Ban: G1.2

Duration: 1 Day Ban

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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