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Report a player - 167 maybe 27? - GTA RP

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Matthew Labile

Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS
The Block
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Matthew Labile

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 167 maybe 27?

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 12/21/21

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2030

What best describes this incident ?: (G1.2) Random Death Match (RDM) - Attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay is considered RDM. (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. “Put your hands up or I will shoot” and countdowns are not considere

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Clip speaks for itself to be honest.
Haven't attempted to resolve due to how they just opened fire on everyone not just me not a word said just straight shot and ends my role-play for me which could have been an interesting role-play scenario

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


It was me who shot him out of the vehichle.

starting from my point of view, been preparing to push the turf with Trallas for a little while, we pushed with the rest of them, heard shouting down the radio along the lines of "mathew labiles flipped lads get to him!"
someone else says "SHOTS SHOTS" bullets start getting shot by others and we fly down the hill and someone says "SMOKE MATHEW, SMOKE MATHEW BOYS" so I 1-tap him and move on. (obviously when 30+ members are on a radio its gonna be hectic and you cant blame me for that)

now from looking at the clips we can see from his point of view we can see their preparation for a gunfight throughout most of the clip.

beginning of the clip 0:16-0:18 - sees a red car then says "you want smoking?" twice, "you better drive off if you dont want war with us" "thats right pussies" clear provocative motives

1:48 "ballas are no longer at turf with the triads" they have already been watching ballas and triads (preperation)

2:36 "probably because i threatened to kill them" - Jack mcenzi (previous hostility)

3:42 "they are coming" fully aware that we were coming to the church , not a "random" situation at all

4:02 getting zentorno and getting the smg ready indicating that they were ready for a fight

4:10-4:15 jack telling everyone to set up, father saying to no ram them to not initiate "for now", don't instantly start ramming and shooting them (once again indicating they were ready/ willing for a gunfight.

throughout the video we can see him getting his SMG ready. not to mention that they blocked off the front of the church with vehicles, a common strategy used during war.

@Tujm MakmudDo you happen to have any video of the situation or the person in the vehicle with you ?

It was me who shot him out of the vehichle.

starting from my point of view, been preparing to push the turf with Trallas for a little while, we pushed with the rest of them, heard shouting down the radio along the lines of "mathew labiles flipped lads get to him!"
someone else says "SHOTS SHOTS" bullets start getting shot by others and we fly down the hill and someone says "SMOKE MATHEW, SMOKE MATHEW BOYS" so I 1-tap him and move on. (obviously when 30+ members are on a radio its gonna be hectic and you cant blame me for that)

now from looking at the clips we can see from his point of view we can see their preparation for a gunfight throughout most of the clip.

beginning of the clip 0:16-0:18 - sees a red car then says "you want smoking?" twice, "you better drive off if you dont want war with us" "thats right pussies" clear provocative motives

1:48 "ballas are no longer at turf with the triads" they have already been watching ballas and triads (preperation)

2:36 "probably because i threatened to kill them" - Jack mcenzi (previous hostility)

3:42 "they are coming" fully aware that we were coming to the church , not a "random" situation at all

4:02 getting zentorno and getting the smg ready indicating that they were ready for a fight

4:10-4:15 jack telling everyone to set up, father saying to no ram them to not initiate "for now", don't instantly start ramming and shooting them (once again indicating they were ready/ willing for a gunfight.

throughout the video we can see him getting his SMG ready. not to mention that they blocked off the front of the church with vehicles, a common strategy used during war.
1.You don't have our radio you don't know our comms, with words being put through triads and balla's we are going to be ready for something to kick off but obviously a chat should come first not just pull up and rdm me.

2. I'm certain Jack is referring to "L1 strapz"

3.Ok so if we know you are on the way that gives you the right to shoot without saying a word? Like I said you didn't have our radio

4. Got to prepare for the worst, we wanted to avoid a gun fight at pretty much all costs, like you said Father said not to initiate anything

5."beginning of the clip 0:16-0:18 - sees a red car then says "you want smoking?" twice, "you better drive off if you dont want war with us" "thats right pussies" clear provocative motives" As you can see in the top left I didn't say that in game, I was streaming and trying to give off a comical vibe.

Just would like to point out any previous situation did not involve the Triads, therefor I didn't expect to just be shot like that.

I am ID 27 in the clip not really sure why I am being brought into this as not a single bullet was shot from my person and I don't believe I even aimed my gun.

I can also tell you how crazy the Comms were chaos due to there being 30+ people on a radio giving calls, You were flipped pinned and stuck. I personally don't have a clip of my POV because from our side it didn't seem like there was any chance of RDM being the case. 

We are on the hill and I hear Matthew is flipped on the road so we all get told to go down and deal with you, By the time we arrived there were shots else where and we were one of the last cars to arrive. So from our POV we assumed you'd been spoken too so when on the radio we're being told "SMOKE HIM!" and we arrive last assume you've been spoken too Tuj takes the shot as we have the angle.  

Viewing your Clip it looks like RDM with you not being spoken too but given the entire situation I think you can see what was going on and that it was a massive situation being so loud with all the Comms mistakes were made on both sides more than likely. 

We all knew that it wasn't gonna end peacefully considering the last time Trallas were at the Chapel with Aztecas and Apostles. What happened was the only way it was going to go realistically. 

I am ID 27 in the clip not really sure why I am being brought into this as not a single bullet was shot from my person and I don't believe I even aimed my gun.

I can also tell you how crazy the Comms were chaos due to there being 30+ people on a radio giving calls, You were flipped pinned and stuck. I personally don't have a clip of my POV because from our side it didn't seem like there was any chance of RDM being the case. 

We are on the hill and I hear Matthew is flipped on the road so we all get told to go down and deal with you, By the time we arrived there were shots else where and we were one of the last cars to arrive. So from our POV we assumed you'd been spoken too so when on the radio we're being told "SMOKE HIM!" and we arrive last assume you've been spoken too Tuj takes the shot as we have the angle.  

Viewing your Clip it looks like RDM with you not being spoken too but given the entire situation I think you can see what was going on and that it was a massive situation being so loud with all the Comms mistakes were made on both sides more than likely. 

We all knew that it wasn't gonna end peacefully considering the last time Trallas were at the Chapel with Aztecas and Apostles. What happened was the only way it was going to go realistically. 
Just because you man can't keep comms clear doesn't mean you can rdm someone, I fully get stuff can get hectic on radio but I don't believe this is justifiable to shoot me, I was more than out numbered you could've easily took me hostage or granted some role-play towards me.

I will not be commenting further ,going back and fourth, unless asked to do so by staff.

unfortunately i havent managed to get a clip on our behalf, none of us thought it was significant enough to clip in in the action, my pc can barely run fivem, so geforce now nor medal work half the time and when it does it takes about 5 mins to open up. valuable time that during these situations isnt there unfortunately, i meant no ill intent through this action and can fully understand the issue from Mathews point of view, hopefully these issues can be resolved through some means and hopefully staff can see both points of view despite the lack of evidence on our behalf, though i am still looking for our point of view in the mean time.

Just because you man can't keep comms clear doesn't mean you can rdm someone, I fully get stuff can get hectic on radio but I don't believe this is justifiable to shoot me, I was more than out numbered you could've easily took me hostage or granted some role-play towards me.

I will not be commenting further ,going back and fourth, unless asked to do so by staff.
Just to be sure before this is handled, Did you wish to talk to the two reported in teamspeak or wish for us to proceed with the report for you?

Just to be sure before this is handled, Did you wish to talk to the two reported in teamspeak or wish for us to proceed with the report for you?
Proceed with report please, happens to often to talk it out. 

No problem I'll go ahead and handle the report. 

So upon looking at the evidence provided and information provided via the comments of the report.

To do a quick tldr of the video prior to leaving the chapel, Matthew was around the pharmacy and then went onto RP with Father and others around the church, In relation to garden work. After this a phone call was received in relation to a tweelde post made. Nothing seems to be happening in relation to any fights currently happening around the city however I will take into consideration that someone on the radio to other members around the church did go around triads turf and notice that ballas wasn't around triads.

Over the radio again you do hear someone called out 10 armoured cars we're heading past life invader so from what is seen Matthew could of been just setting up in case anything did happen up the church. Without more context it's difficult to assume why this was being checked ect. Around 3:44 you do hear someone on the radio saying 'Their coming their coming boys'. Going from this one would assume a meeting might be taking place since no one mentioned any fights happening or shots being fired before hand, More so you do hear Father Augustus mentioning "Don't initiate nothing, no ram to begin with, Don't go around shooting straight away" So from this it's clear nothing has been said prior to what we can only believe was a meeting about to take place. 

Moving onto the end of the video Matthew tried to drive down the hill one could imagine due to the numbers going up the same location to where he toppled his vehicle. He did ask for a bump to where someone around 4:47 was trying to help them in this situation. Nothing from the triads was said before the shot happened. 

ID 27 @FrooGames was simply a passenger in the vehicle and from the whole clip did nothing wrong so no action will be taken upon them, However information provided will be used within the report since they we're directly involved. 

ID 167  @Tujm Makmud was the person who shot Matthew without any Roleplay. This does indeed fall under RDM and the very definition. I've read over the statement that you made towards the top of the report. In relation to part of what is said '(once again indicating they were ready/ willing for a gunfight).' We could assume what this means all around, For example it could also mean that they are just making sure they don't get surrounded or someone deciding to open fire first, Just so they aren't all pinned in a small area. 

Whilst I appreciate communications at times with multiple people on the radio can be a bit hectic, It is on the player themselves to decided if/when they should shoot and if any roleplay has happened before. It's never a good idea to blindly follow what someone is saying as we end up with situations like this overall. In relation to 'someone else says "SHOTS SHOTS"' there isn't anything you can hear in the video of any other shots being fired apart from the ones that downed Matthew. 

Finally in relation to 'beginning of the clip 0:16-0:18 - sees a red car then says "you want smoking?" twice, "you better drive off if you don't want war with us" "thats right pussies" clear provocative motives'. If you have a look on the top right nothing was said in game from looking over the clip multiple times and further on in the video, If this was something to base shooting someone over it would also fall under RDM if the person there shot also, Since just them few words isn't high quality roleplay to be shooting people over, Overall Roleplay should be the main thing that is sought after over gunplay. Following the fair bans system and for the above reasons I will be issuing a 2 day ban on Tujm Makmud for the breaking the rule G1.2

ID: 167
Rule: G1.2
Action taken: 2 day ban

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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