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Report a player - 17826 - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Atles Cooper

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: PJ Adams: Char ID :17826

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 07/05/21

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 22:13

What best describes this incident ?: PJ Adams Breaking NLR

Please (in detail) describe the incident: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/131813-report-a-player-pj-adams-charid17826-gta-rp/ This is all in reference to this first report which he was banned on for breaking NLR. I thought this would of resolved this situation but, I have to make this new one.

Earlier today PJ and several Baller members came to Vagos turf asking questions regarding an issue that happened within the city. Within this chat he brings up "Ava and guns" & "Kieran Addison" and how Kieran is friends with Vagos particularly Ava and Atles. Which he should not remember due to past roleplay and his execution which can be seen within the first report.

I thought this would be over when he got reported the first time, but clearly that did not work. It has now bled into roleplay with several other people getting involved to the point where its now effecting other peoples roleplay. Due to him not being able to let it go and blatant disregards to the rules of the server.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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All this information was found out through RP, either through your gang by speaking to them or other means. I was pulled into a meeting by the Lost about this situation where myself, Jambo, Sean and Jacob. This would have easily been found out in TS if you would have pulled me aside but here we are. I thought this ordeal was sorted already with the last report but apparently not. I'll leave this to admins because I believe this information was all found out in RP yesterday. 

If you remember also, Ava posted after her house was raided on tweedle and you all showed up (which i was there for). 

That fact that you are still using information that was one of the main factors behind the pervious ban, continuing the roleplay behind it shows you do not understand the situation.

You got Ava raided by using information that you should of forgotten. Which is breaking NLR

You also remember the guns which you should of forgotten. Which is breaking NLR.

Only the people in the room when you was executed remembers. Not you.

All the stories you are now creating is bringing people into your rule break. Which ruins all of the experiences of the people around you due to your lack of caring of the communities guidelines, on top of that you are clearly showing you have not learnt from your ban either by still using information that you should not know.

You say you have learnt about this things in roleplay, yet no one who was in that room before you was removed from the Vagos has spoken to you or to anyone else about it. So its very convenient now, not before in your previous report when all this information would matter, that you have the "information" now. I know for a fact the 4 people in that room that killed you has not spoken a word about the situation. So no one else knows. 

That fact that you are still using information that was one of the main factors behind the pervious ban, continuing the roleplay behind it shows you do not understand the situation.
I did not continue the RP. The lost came to me and told me there was people that told them I was saying stuff to the police about them having things they shouldn't in their compound so myself and 3 other Ballas went to find out where the information came from. 

You got Ava raided by using information that you should of forgotten. Which is breaking NLR

You also remember the guns which you should of forgotten. Which is breaking NLR.

Only the people in the room when you was executed remembers. Not you.
I had text messages from previously basically telling me where the guns were (which I've been told before wasn't against the rules and the fact I can't remember who the executer is seems very weird and to my knowledge just means who killed me in that specific instance) I knew Keiran Addison previously before joining Vagos and the connection from the lost and Keiran just added together so that is why we went round asking questions. The other information I gathered were from other people not me remembering situations that shouldn't have happened.

You say you have learnt about this things in roleplay, yet no one who was in that room before you was removed from the Vagos has spoken to you or to anyone else about it. So its very convenient now, not before in your previous report when all this information would matter, that you have the "information" now. I know for a fact the 4 people in that room that killed you has not spoken a word about the situation. So no one else knows.
I have spoke to Rikka through texts already and he has confirmed that Ava was still in the gang and he spoke to me about myself being in the gang and that he was against it. It's not hard to piece together what's happened through past events if one of your own higher ups are telling me the events that have happened previously.

This is the last I'm going to speak about this report.

If an admin needs further information on why I think this is a revenge report now and thought it was before I can send proof to them as it is very sensitive information. If needed I can post a report of my own for the three people as this hasn't got much to do with why this specific report is up now. Not once did I get talked to previously about the situation by "Nuclear, Ava or Atles" and seems to be the same this time as well. The situation at hand they don't want to resolve in a TS call they are much happier just trying to get me banned for things that were found out in RP already. 

Just going to leave these here.

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Since I keep being mentioned and this seems to be continuation of the NLR breach I reported + I have the POV from the conversation the Lost had I will comment, I have known you as Kieran Addison from before yes, but I have not once spoken or seen you after you were killed by them (Vagos), in fact my character still doesnt even know you were killed because he was never told and we were never friends. But I''m pretty sure you should have forgotten me as per the rules you got reported for by me.

As for the chat with the Lost I was there, so was Charles, Qrow (Pope) and most of the other members so they can confirm if needed by Staff, We as Lost never told you any information we were asking you stuff to which you were giving us anwsers, we have not spoken regarding this Ava / Guns situation at all apart from the things YOU brought up and was told we don't care, so wherever you got this information from, it was not from the Lost as we were discussing a different issue.

Now I have no further affiliation with this report other than being mentioned constantly and it basically being the same situation that has already gotten you banned, so please stop bringing me into it (as far as i'm concerned once that report went through the issue I had with you was resolved from my side). The reason I didnt speak to you in the previous report is because there was nothing to resolve in my eyes you broke the rules and that was that. I wont comment anymore since I dont want to involve myself into this further than I already have, just wanted to put that out there.

Not replying as staff

Since I keep being mentioned and this seems to be continuation of the NLR breach I reported + I have the POV from the conversation the Lost had I will comment, I have known you as Kieran Addison from before yes, but I have not once spoken or seen you after you were killed by them (Vagos), in fact my character still doesnt even know you were killed because he was never told and we were never friends. But I''m pretty sure you should have forgotten me as per the rules you got reported for by me.

As for the chat with the Lost I was there, so was Charles, Qrow (Pope) and most of the other members so they can confirm if needed by Staff, We as Lost never told you any information we were asking you stuff to which you were giving us anwsers, we have not spoken regarding this Ava / Guns situation at all apart from the things YOU brought up and was told we don't care, so wherever you got this information from, it was not from the Lost as we were discussing a different issue.

Now I have no further affiliation with this report other than being mentioned constantly and it basically being the same situation that has already gotten you banned, so please stop bringing me into it (as far as i'm concerned once that report went through the issue I had with you was resolved from my side). The reason I didnt speak to you in the previous report is because there was nothing to resolve in my eyes you broke the rules and that was that. I wont comment anymore since I dont want to involve myself into this further than I already have, just wanted to put that out there.
If the information wasn't given to the lost in the first place, there would have been no need for me to go digging for information on who might have said such things about me in the meeting. All the allegations The Lost were told were false so it turned out I had to do some digging on my part to find out what happened and where the info came from. I knew from people constantly asking me in game "why are you not in Vagos anymore" which I can assure you was asked 50+ times I'm sure I'd have some inkling that the problem lyed there. As for you not knowing I was killed by Vagos that doesn't matter. You were friends with Atles and Ava. (which vagos told me themselves) and I had seen Atles selling his house on tweedle that week so I knew the contents could only be one place. Jambo told me the conversation that happened between him and The Lost about the items in question and they knew you had them and told us the only item they took was the Full AK in Ava's possession in the first place. 

Like I said. All this information was found out in RP and if anyone had a problem with a situation they should speak in TS about it. This came up in RP and the information I gathered was in RP from multiple people. 
Even the last report I couldn't see what was going on as well as now, I can't access the report and see what was said and what rules and what the staff thought I did wrong so I don't know how I'm meant to differ or better myself in RP when I didn't think I did anything wrong in the first place and gave multiple pieces of evidence defending myself and had multiple opinions from staff and other players saying they had the same opinion as me 

You keep saying none of this would have happened if it wasn’t for the “false allegations” made about you which caused the lost to be involved.

rewinding to the very start, because I know the allegations are actually true. What RP took place before you approached the police officer about the guns you had lost to inform you that you had lost them in the first place? This was before Vagos was involved and before the lost were involved so who told you? What was the RP scenario that started the whole chain of events. I’d also like to know who told you Atles and Ava were friends with Kieran. 

You keep saying none of this would have happened if it wasn’t for the “false allegations” made about you which caused the lost to be involved.

rewinding to the very start, because I know the allegations are actually true. What RP took place before you approached the police officer about the guns you had lost to inform you that you had lost them in the first place? This was before Vagos was involved and before the lost were involved so who told you? What was the RP scenario that started the whole chain of events. I’d also like to know who told you Atles and Ava were friends with Kieran. 
Honestly, I'm not even going to entertain these comments anymore. 

If an admin wants to speak to me about these events then they can, I went out of my way for about 3/4 hours to find everything out in RP with the Ballas themselves so that my names was cleared because the stuff The Lost were saying about me were untrue. Obviously the first place I go for answers were Vagos since everyone is saying I was there and cant remember anything of my time there and Keiran was an obvious one since he knew where the guns were before and had knowledge of the situation prior

Honestly, I'm not even going to entertain these comments anymore. 

If an admin wants to speak to me about these events then they can, I went out of my way for about 3/4 hours to find everything out in RP with the Ballas themselves so that my names was cleared because the stuff The Lost were saying about me were untrue. Obviously the first place I go for answers were Vagos since everyone is saying I was there and cant remember anything of my time there and Keiran was an obvious one since he knew where the guns were before and had knowledge of the situation prior
You are completely avoiding or missing the point and i'm not sure which. I'm not asking about anything you did with the Ballas or anything you did with The Lost. Before word even got back to the Lost you had spoken to a police officer about the guns you had Lost. The thing that started the whole RP scenario was Vagos over hearing you speaking about your missing guns and that you suspected they were in the lost compound. My question is what started this chain of events? What RP took place for you to approach this officer with information you should have forgotten.

You are completely avoiding or missing the point and i'm not sure which. I'm not asking about anything you did with the Ballas or anything you did with The Lost. Before word even got back to the Lost you had spoken to a police officer about the guns you had Lost. The thing that started the whole RP scenario was Vagos over hearing you speaking about your missing guns and that you suspected they were in the lost compound. My question is what started this chain of events? What RP took place for you to approach this officer with information you should have forgotten.
This has nothing to do with the report that has been put up by Atles now, this has already been sorted in the previous one. I'm struggling to see why this is mentioned

(EDIT) To add to this^ You're not mentioned anywhere in this report so I don't know why you're replying

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I’m replying as leader of Vagos who you approached directly as a result of this apparent role play. Once again avoiding the points I am making that are more than valid showing you’ve broken NLR. You know full well I was the one who set the terms of your initial execution and the one you’ve spoken to in the clip. As leader with everyone reporting everything to me I am more than qualified to reply to you. Now please answer my question for the 3rd time as it is more than valid 

I’m replying as leader of Vagos who you approached directly as a result of this apparent role play. Once again avoiding the points I am making that are more than valid showing you’ve broken NLR. You know full well I was the one who set the terms of your initial execution and the one you’ve spoken to in the clip. As leader with everyone reporting everything to me I am more than qualified to reply to you. Now please answer my question for the 3rd time as it is more than valid 
This was all sorted in the previous report. I dont get why this has anything to do with now. This report clearly doesn't state anything about that and you're bringing up stuff that isn't relevant

How is it sorted in a previous post? I am asking you a question that he caused this whole situation. It’s a new scenario and proves how this whole report is a break of NLR. It has nothing to do with the old report. 

How is it sorted in a previous post? I am asking you a question that he caused this whole situation. It’s a new scenario and proves how this whole report is a break of NLR. It has nothing to do with the old report. 
Like I said, I'm done entertaining all this. An admin can pull me into a call or yourselves can speak to me on a TS call as you should try and do before any report to sort stuff but never happened in both instances

A ban for NLR was put in place last time and in the linked report.

@Wiz Adams, that roleplay ended when you were killed. You died in a roleplay situation and going back seeking the information like this is breaking the New Life rule. You yourself are getting back and involved into things which is simply not possible, cause you are dead. The story and your part in it ended when you died.

Ban according to FBS will be placed, 7 days.

Report Accepted.

-Your character has died in a RP situation. 

-Your character does not remember any previous roleplay situations. 

-Your character does not remember any previous enemies (your killer/robber etc) 

(G4.1) A new life starts, when:

Your character has been killed by a player. 
Your character has died in a RP situation. 
Your character has dies as a result of an accident.

(G4.3) When you respawn: 

Your character does not remember any previous roleplay situations. 
Your character does not remember where any of its vehicles outside the garage are 
Your character does not remember any previous enemies (your killer/robber etc) 
Your character cannot return to the location of death or be involved in the same situation until the 15 minute NLR timer has expired. 
Your character does remember their friends & gang members.

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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