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Report a player - 203 and 265 - GTA RP

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Dave Park

New member
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Dave Park

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 203 and 265

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 07/06/21

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 18

What best describes this incident ?: Meta gaming

Please (in detail) describe the incident: So we robbed a guy near the impound and put him in zipties and took him to a less crowded space, so we tried to rob his stuff and he claims to have nothing as you can see there is no signs that he's using any communication devices or any thing to communticate with. The only way that they would know that we were there is if he told them on another platform. I might be mistaken but it seems like meta gaming to me, and there was no warnings. He just shot right away (killed my mate and he lost his standard). Like i said i might be mistaken but it just seems a bit weird that we went on a less crowded area and suddenly people start shooting at us, and they guy we robbed didnt pull out a phone, radio or any communication devices.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Hello there and thank you for submitting a report.

The video that you have provided above has no audio, would you be able to provide me the same video but then with sound?

I will be needing that to judge the situation.

@Dave Park

@MasisUnfortunately, I don’t have any sound but you can clearly see that he isn’t using any sort of communication. We zip tied him and when he’s zip tied it isn’t possible to communicate or do anything. I can see that it’s hard to judge without sound and maybe I am mistaken, but using the video and being in the situation myself he was not using any communication device phone/radio or anything like that.

Hello there and thank you for your response.

Let's break this down:

It is too hard for me to proof that the reported individual was metagaming with his friend. 

There is no sound in the video provided above, so I am not able to rule out that the reported individual was speaking at all. 

You also robbed him in a pretty clear and open space not too far away from the location that you took him with you. You could have been seen taking this reported individual / possibly been trailed to the location where you proceeded to rob him.

There are too many "If's" in this scenario and with the evidence that has been provided, I am unable to proof that he was metagaming. 

Therefore, I will have to decline this report due to insufficient evidence.


Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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