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Report a player - 225/Officers on scene/319 - GTA RP

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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Logan McDonald

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 225/Officers on scene/319

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 03/17/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2135

What best describes this incident ?: General Poor RP

Please (in detail) describe the incident: This evening around an hour ago, myself, Smurphy, and Frenchy, were all in the MRPS cells. Frenchy managed to make his way to us after having his hands behind his back, 'valeting'. The officers thought he was arrested and lead him downstairs to the cells, where he then equipped a machete, gave Smurphy dusters, and I was not armed. I'd like to say this whole hostage taking RP was a fun experience for everyone involved. It was actually going really well until an unknown officer threw a flashbang in the room, and we were all pretty much instantly shot.

The situation had potential to continue as a good scenario for everyone involved, with our attempted negotations to be allowed to leave for a chase in return for the 3 hostages life.

The RP during the flashbang itself was poor, and from there only got worse. As seen in the footage, shortly after myself, smurphy and frenchy being shot. Almost every single officer left the cells bar 1 processing a separate suspect. I understand I was given medical treatment by a few officers, which I appreciate and was refreshing to see. But this didn't last long. Soon after the medical treatment, they just left us. We were sat on the floor for around 35 minutes. Myself and Frenchy really did not want to respawn, as we were enjoying the experience prior to the shootings. We would have been absolutely fine if we were just giving treatment, transported to pillbox and then processed accordingly. However as stated, in summary, they have simply flash banged, shot, short medical treatment, then left.

It is a slightly weak report, evidence not too strong and not sure on the identity's of all involved. ID's I gathered:
319 - The player who threw the flashbang
225 - The player who shot myself

2nd clip as well as the below - 

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This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: No

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): No

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I hit enter by mistake the end of the report, of course its the truth and nothing but the truth. 

Hello, I was the officer who got left inside the cells right at the end alone. Just wanted to clear up that due to the firearms units leaving and them giving a description of "they have had some medical assistance" doesnt give myself or other officers the impression on whats happened. I agree, the RP in that was shocking from everyone leaving the cells and basically giving up. This left myself and a solicitor to deal with 4 PICs at one time with 2 severly injured. I would like to apologise about the lack of medical assistance you received near the end, it just became a shit show.

Hey Logan, Kinda Miffed you didn't seak me out for a conversation / Liason.

I'm pretty sure if you had heard my side of the situation you would not of included my Session ID on the report.

Can I ask you post an Unedited video, its weird to me that you have striped out a portion of the video and removed sound from the other when the thing in question is RP. Granted the missing section is only 10 seconds long (from looking at the body cam timestamp) but still seems weird to me you would strip out important details when reporting someone especially when you dont know if the otherside has any footage of the event.

For some context I started off in the cells because I had a PIC, During me talking with my PIC and the solicitor the situation kicked off

I just want to say for the record that If I was going to provide poor RP I would of tased the Original Hostage taker (Around the 4 minute mark in my video).  This then would of shut down the entire roleplay situation for you! and taken in my opinion a good Hostage taking Scenario away from everyone involved.

after the situation was delt with I took reposiblity for my PIC who had been taken hostage by you and threatned with anal. I de-arrested my PIC as I felt bad for letting him be taken hostage and left MRPD to take him to hospital.  

I was unaware that you were left on your own, I assumed (wrongly I guess) that your original arresting officer would take over as I did with my own

but from looking at the silent video and the response from @Matthew Treedyou were left alone for roughly 7 minutes, due to the fact that Mathew was on his own with a big situation I think that timeframe was more than fair. You didnt and decided to blead out which is your choice but by doing so prevented any more RP from the police side of things. I can only guess what happened with your friends. I am hoping they were given medical  / charged in due time.

Here is a video of my POV, I actually enjoyed going back and watching the situation!

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3 hours ago, Logan said:

Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Logan McDonald

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 225/Officers on scene/319

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 03/17/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2135

What best describes this incident ?: General Poor RP

Please (in detail) describe the incident: This evening around an hour ago, myself, Smurphy, and Frenchy, were all in the MRPS cells. Frenchy managed to make his way to us after having his hands behind his back, 'valeting'. The officers thought he was arrested and lead him downstairs to the cells, where he then equipped a machete, gave Smurphy dusters, and I was not armed. I'd like to say this whole hostage taking RP was a fun experience for everyone involved. It was actually going really well until an unknown officer threw a flashbang in the room, and we were all pretty much instantly shot.

The situation had potential to continue as a good scenario for everyone involved, with our attempted negotations to be allowed to leave for a chase in return for the 3 hostages life.

The RP during the flashbang itself was poor, and from there only got worse. As seen in the footage, shortly after myself, smurphy and frenchy being shot. Almost every single officer left the cells bar 1 processing a separate suspect. I understand I was given medical treatment by a few officers, which I appreciate and was refreshing to see. But this didn't last long. Soon after the medical treatment, they just left us. We were sat on the floor for around 35 minutes. Myself and Frenchy really did not want to respawn, as we were enjoying the experience prior to the shootings. We would have been absolutely fine if we were just giving treatment, transported to pillbox and then processed accordingly. However as stated, in summary, they have simply flash banged, shot, short medical treatment, then left.

It is a slightly weak report, evidence not too strong and not sure on the identity's of all involved. ID's I gathered:
319 - The player who threw the flashbang
225 - The player who shot myself

2nd clip as well as the below - 

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Hi Logan, I was one of the officers giving you medical treatment on the floor. I am not medically trained but tried my best to give you some medic roleplay. I did not know what to do myself to be honest. I was not involved in the previous situation I came in and got told to do medical treatment by firearms which I do not understand why they didn't provide it instantly themselves. I saw no NHS were on and I thought from my own knowledge the firearms officers in the cell were going to be advanced medically trained and were going to deal with you. I am sorry, I tried my best. If I was there at the start I would have stayed through the whole situation and gave you medical treatment instantly. I felt I was not involved enough to deal with you and had no information of the situation at all.

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@Mike Polo Let’s not take the piss mate, me respawning isn’t what stopped the RP going further. 

Look, it’s a weak report where no particular rule breaks have taken place, i’m aware. But I hope it highlights this really poor display. 

Mike - If you read my report, I said how myself and French were really hesitant on respawning. We were enjoying the RP up until this and wanted to be processed and put away for what we had done. But when everyone’s eventually left us, and we were sitting there with 1 officer between these 4 suspects in cells, we had no choice.

Kip - As I said in the report I appreciate the medical yourself and a couple other officers gave me, it was good to see. But for the duration of my time sat there, it was brief medical RP, and then they leave.

Back when I got my medical training, and even mentioned when I first joined the police, if you are providing medical get them stabilised and put up to pillbox. Police rule? Sure but i’d say that’s also there not just because otherwise they’d be left for dead, your also leaving them with 0 RP.

Also - I removed audio for obvious reasons. It’s a 30 minute video, you’d likely hear me probably eating, talking to members of my household and talking to Smurphy and Frenchy in TS about wtf just happened. 

Not really a need for audio in this instance imo as you can tell who is providing medical, the ones crouched over me doing /me’s

Throwing a relevant police announcement in here as well 


Look, it’s a weak report where no particular rule breaks have taken place, i’m aware. But I hope it highlights this really poor display. 
I do understand what you're saying and I agree, a lot more could've been done to prevent you bleeding out. Although at the moment, I had the plan to be in and out of custody as it was a simple charge.

In my opinion, the people in the wrong were the people who shot and "downed" you as it is then classed as their responsibility to assist you in the best way they can. I may be to blame due to me dealing with the 2 stable PICs that got dumped on me rather then giving the injured help but at that point, I was confused and so were the people who entered the cells after that.

Throwing a relevant police announcement in here as well 

That announcement says as much about RPing being injured as it does RP providing medical RP. Its impossible to tell what RP you were reciving or giving since the video is Silent.

please provide your full POV (plus the bit cut out) with sound so we can actually judge the RP to see if its poor

I do understand what you're saying and I agree, a lot more could've been done to prevent you bleeding out. Although at the moment, I had the plan to be in and out of custody as it was a simple charge.

In my opinion, the people in the wrong were the people who shot and "downed" you as it is then classed as their responsibility to assist you in the best way they can. I may be to blame due to me dealing with the 2 stable PICs that got dumped on me rather then giving the injured help but at that point, I was confused and so were the people who entered the cells after that.
I disagree, it should be the arresting officers problem to deal with their PIC in the cells. if it was out in the wild I would agree with you but in cells it should fall to the arresting officer to deal with their PIC

Can I ask when you were alone did you call for backup? I personally dropped my PIC to Pillbox and if there was a call out for help I would of responded

@Mike Polo Let’s not take the piss mate, me respawning isn’t what stopped the RP going further. 

Look, it’s a weak report where no particular rule breaks have taken place, i’m aware. But I hope it highlights this really poor display. 

Mike - If you read my report, I said how myself and French were really hesitant on respawning. We were enjoying the RP up until this and wanted to be processed and put away for what we had done. But when everyone’s eventually left us, and we were sitting there with 1 officer between these 4 suspects in cells, we had no choice.

Kip - As I said in the report I appreciate the medical yourself and a couple other officers gave me, it was good to see. But for the duration of my time sat there, it was brief medical RP, and then they leave.

Back when I got my medical training, and even mentioned when I first joined the police, if you are providing medical get them stabilised and put up to pillbox. Police rule? Sure but i’d say that’s also there not just because otherwise they’d be left for dead, your also leaving them with 0 RP.

Also - I removed audio for obvious reasons. It’s a 30 minute video, you’d likely hear me probably eating, talking to members of my household and talking to Smurphy and Frenchy in TS about wtf just happened. 

Not really a need for audio in this instance imo as you can tell who is providing medical, the ones crouched over me doing /me’s
Yeah so i'm not the one taking the piss here. when you report someone you should try to resolve and then when you do decide to report you should provide all the evidence and not alter it, as a Staff member you should know this even more then everyone else!

OFC you had a choice on wiether or not to respawn. you chose to do it you did not bleed out normaly or have a medic DNR you. By doing that you prevented any further RP from the police side as you were gone!

Absoutly is a need for audio and the full video as its the RP that is in question and most of that takes place over voice and not things like ./me which are just their to support RP

Can I ask when you were alone did you call for backup?
I did on radio few times asking for the people who were dealing with the 2 injured PICs. Although I had no reply, officers came in and out where I asked them if they knew who was dealing with them.

Alright mike, let me get the unaltered version later and i’ll provide it to those having a look into the report, no need for anyone else to hear what I speak about out of game lol.

If I hadn’t respawned and waited that 10-15 mins extra, do you really think someone would’ve came? Were you on your way back?

Think it’s pretty poor that everyone seems to have the mindset of ‘whoever arrested deals with it’. You shot me. You should be providing medical RP pretty much instantly afterwards. You provided none. You then left.

In summary, you attended a panic, shot an unarmed offender, then dipped.

Alright mike, let me get the unaltered version later and i’ll provide it to those having a look into the report, no need for anyone else to hear what I speak about out of game lol.

If I hadn’t respawned and waited that 10-15 mins extra, do you really think someone would’ve came? Were you on your way back?

Think it’s pretty poor that everyone seems to have the mindset of ‘whoever arrested deals with it’. You shot me. You should be providing medical RP pretty much instantly afterwards. You provided none. You then left.

In summary, you attended a panic, shot an unarmed offender, then dipped.
Thank you for agreeing to provide an unaltered version of the video.

I would of hoped if you waited the 25 mins left on your clock you would of been dealt with within that time, I know its along time to be down but as you should know when there is alot going on in the server things take longer to get done due to the amount of other elements going on!

I was not on my way back, your summary is completly wrong I was in the cells dealing with my PIC Appo Martin (one of your hostages). Someone else injured him but as I was the arresting officer I took responsibility for him and got him the medical treatment he needed.

I didnt attend the panic, shot an unarmed offender and then just dip! please watch my POV which I so kindly provided and you can see exactly what I did.

As @Matthew Treed Said he called out for the people dealing with you guys but since I was dealing with my own PIC I would not of responded.  IF Mathew had called out for help from anyone I proberly would of responded to help out, but I certainly wasnt the one responsable for you!

I don't belive its a poor mindset to belive that the arresting officer will follow your enitre case through the time you are in the cells as its their responsiblity for bringing you in, I have no idea what they were trying to charge you with so I wouldnt of been able to deal with your case anyway!

Spoken with ID 319, heard his side of the story and would like the report to be closed.

Upon reflection, I could've gone about this a better way, spoken with the ID's I have mentioned in the report where I would've realised the finger has been pointed in the wrong direction here. 

Glad to see you have talked about this and resolved the issue as mentioned during the chat we had. I'll go ahead and deny the report.

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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