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Report a player - 277, 449, 439, 19, 482, - GTA RP

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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Anonymous Lion

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 277, 449, 439, 19, 482,

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 09/05/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2137

What best describes this incident ?: Poor RP

Please (in detail) describe the incident: I was at the smeltery just smelting a little steel, when i run outside to see someone get shot, i put my hands up and i recognise the people, one being someone i know, i proceed to state my name to see if it changes the out come, with basically no word said i was shot in the head and taken to be dumped.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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Instead of speaking to anyone by requesting a TS or Discord call you went straight to the forums and made a report personally this feels like a revenge report due to your reaction you gave me in a discord call by calling me a "mong" and by telling me to "fuck off". 


Personally I felt like we had to kill you guys because you voice ID one of our members Mack and this something we did not want to happen as we told known members who may be known by the group not to speak and Mack had slipped up by speaking to you guys. Sorry that the RP turned into you ending up dead this is not the outcome we wanted from the RP but situations change. 

You also was screaming names and our gang name while other were in the area and we thought cops may be coming due to someone being on their phone from your group. 

If you still wish to solve this situation by either TS or discord you have my discord details. 

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Me calling you that in discord has nothing to do with any sort of "Revenge", I was already writing up the report when u joined, I told u to fuck off as we have had nothing but hassle from you guys for the past week if not longer, with things like baiting and over all just acting silly, so tonight was the last straw from me with the horrible RP, hence the reason for the report. 

Yes the execution of the character's death may seem poor but you was screaming saying it was "hustlers" and saying its "Mack" but someone else ran outside with a shovel before you came, so tension was high during the RP so as someone had been shot you was screaming "its hustlers" what turned into your character's death I did try to tell you to stop screaming but its seems I was whispering while doing that. This is unfortunate and a mistake on my behalf.

Why was the other IDs included what were not mine and Mack's? 

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


@PriceHow did you know it was Mack on that bike? If you have any evidence or proof to help back these claims this would be greatly appreciated. Furthermore, are you going to attempt to solve this in Teamspeak, I'd be happy to moderate this. 

I heard his voice and recognised it was him, and as they came and had very expensive weapons on them I was almost certain it couldn't be second characters, I also know a few of them a decent amount in RP and I know they are around quite a bit, so in my mind I just didn't believe it was second characters, and I am assuming you are asking if I have proof to back the claims of the baiting I unfortunately do not as like I said I know them a good bit I never though of clipping any of it because I never wanted to get to this stage, but as I stated ive got to a point that I am fed up of it, hence the report.

As I said I would rather not attempt to speak in TS as it always goes around in circles and I believe I would still have the same outcome/result.

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We decided to incapacitate you and your friend after you discovered our identities and wouldn't stop squealing about who we were and what we were doing. Regardless, there was an ongoing situation between both parties and sufficient reason to justify our actions. We had no intentions of shooting and killing your characters until you made it clear you knew who we were, we have no interest in pointless killings and avoid it generally.

I was at the smeltery just smelting a little steel, when i run outside to see someone get shot, i put my hands up and i recognise the people, one being someone i know, i proceed to state my name to see if it changes the out come, with basically no word said i was shot in the head and taken to be dumped.
So guns are being pointed at your head and you continue to whine about our identities and how pointless our actions were, thinking that will positively impact the situation for your party? 

I told u to fuck off as we have had nothing but hassle from you guys for the past week if not longer, with things like baiting and over all just acting silly, so tonight was the last straw from me with the horrible RP
Can you please elaborate on the numerous occasions where Hustlers have been 'baiting' and 'hassling' GSF? Why haven't we been asked to TS regarding these rule breaks? To my knowledge, we have not been informed of this and have received no complaints from any Grove Street members. To me, these seem like wild accusations you are throwing at us to justify the rude and unjust behaviour you had towards Charlie when you told him to 'fuck off' and called him a 'mong' which was inappropriate.

No word said before being shot and no Roleplay what so ever to justify there actions, I expected way better RP from a white listed Gang.
There was roleplay. I certainly agree that there could've been much more quality roleplay provided throughout the situation by myself and Charlie, however, these killings were definitely not random and there was roleplay behind it. There was an ongoing situation amongst yourself and Hustlers, and your characters continuously whining over the situation did not help your case at all.  After all, you should value your life and chose your words carefully. Speaking in the manner in which you did is only going to make things worse and likely result in your death, which it did.

I wont be doing that as explained to Charlie, he joined my call and just sat and laughed so not gonna waste my time.
From my understanding, Charlie joined your discord call after the incident had occurred. You made no attempts to contact us prior to this?

As I said I would rather not attempt to speak in TS as it always goes around in circles and I believe I would still have the same outcome/result.
I'm still open for a chat in TS. It doesn't always go around in circles - myself and Charlie have never been in a TS call over a rule break so I don't know why you are making the assumption that we won't be able to reach a resolution. 

I would also like to ask why other individuals were included in the report as me and Charlie are responsible for the shooting.

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I'm going to say my last piece to you and then only reply to staff if asked, whether I came out into a situation or not or if I was "squealing" that does not mean that such low level of RP should be carried out, such things as little as tell me to shut up or keep quite then maybe followed up with a "you know who we are so we cant let u live" would have been good enough for me, but as stated I get nothing said to me as u can see I tried to make RP of the situation by talking to you guys, yet no words said and just shot and killed then dumped.

Also there was times I had no guns pointed at me as u can see in my footage.

The hassling and bating as stated to staff I do not have footage of as I said I didn't want to get to this stage of a report so I felt no need to clip any of it but as for that I am sure multiple people who are in grove if they wanted to can also agree with me on this claim.

You go on to state that there was RP behind it yet I don't see "Put your hands up" then no words said again to me or ED up to the point we are killed is RP, and for me to "choose my words wisely" I don't understand what you mean by this at the time of me saying "This is low form you guys" I didn't have a gun to my head so I didn't feel my life was in danger.

The others were included due to the situation itself, all IDs there were involved and also provided me with next to none/Poor RP.

As for TS I am most certain it will not change the outcome as I have actually spoke to Charlie himself after all this within a private discord and told him how I seen it and he told me his half and it did not change my mind on it.  

I may have replied to some stuff that wasn't directed at me without noticing.

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Also there was times I had no guns pointed at me as u can see in my footage.
I didn't have a gun to my head so I didn't feel my life was in danger.
You were in zipties, surrounded by a number of people you know are in possession of high power, 'expensive' firearms, and you don't see the need to fear for your life?

You go on to state that there was RP behind it yet I don't see "Put your hands up" then no words said again to me or ED up to the point we are killed is RP
That isn't the entirety of the situation though. If we had shot you with no further incidents over the course of the situation then fair enough, but that isn't what happened. You shared your knowledge of who we were, so we were inclined to kill you to prevent this robbery from resulting in unwanted conflicts with Grove Street in the near future. 

The others were included due to the situation itself, all IDs there were involved and also provided me with next to none/Poor RP.
So you want people to be punished for standing in the area with guns drawn? Although they were involved in the situation, they were not directly controlling the ongoing robbery and should not be punished for mine and Charlie's actions. This further leads me to believe that this is a revenge report.

and your characters continuously whining over the situation did not help your case at all.
Less than 15 seconds I talk to price not any of you's, in my video I speak at 2.13 (1 second)/ then again 2.15-2.17/2.21-2.30 before being shot with no WORDS!

There was an ongoing situation amongst yourself and Hustlers,
So because of a little situation what was resolved and delt with you are saying you's are after me, You trying to bully me from the server OK.

After all, you should value your life and chose your words carefully
As you can tell from the video I am clearly speaking to Price, If I did not value my life I would of tryed to run you's all over with my truck!!!!!!!

May I request from Staff that multiple Staff make the decision here and not 1 individual for reason I dont wont to say here.

Less than 15 seconds I talk to price not any of you's, in my video I speak at 2.13 (1 second)/ then again 2.15-2.17/2.21-2.30 before being shot with no WORDS!
You were shouting your conversation, allowing myself and the other Hustlers present to hear the ongoing conversation between you and Price. Just because there was little communication between our characters it doesn't mean the killings weren't justified within RP. 

So because of a little situation what was resolved and delt with you are saying you's are after me, You trying to bully me from the server OK.
Where has this nonsense come from? I'm interested to see why you think this, Hustlers are not targeting your character at all. One or two small altercations between yourself and Hustlers is not trying to bully you from the server. Furthermore, what 'little situation what was resolved' are you on about?

As you can tell from the video I am clearly speaking to Price, If I did not value my life I would of tryed to run you's all over with my truck!!!!!!!
You are obnoxiously talking to Price, in a manner where we can clearly hear your conversation and that directly affected our train of thought as it came to our attention that you knew who we are. This was a mistake from our organisation, we had no intentions for you to discover our identities hence why we were out of colours. The comment was directed towards both of you, boasting about our identities and how the robbery is pointless, even if it was a conversation between yourselves, as this directly affected your outcome. 

Okay, going to get this one closed up. The roleplay provided before shooting the two people in zip ties is not high quality or entertaining for them. I see the point of Price probably saying something he shouldn't however this is where you need to Roleplay and actually tell people to shut up or consequences would follow. 

Now as for Price, I'm very curious as to how you knew it was Mack when he had nothing to identify him as such (No hustler clothes etc). Regardless of the weaponry you cannot just assume it is a certain group or gang. For example, if someone uses a 'Gusenberg Sweeper" and assuming its the Callaghans etc.


Char ID: 30555

Rule: G1.2

Action: Warning (Warning based on having a Clean Record)

Char ID: 20107

Rule: G3.1 

Action: 1 Day ban (Following the FBS)

Char ID: 34220 

Rule G1.2 

Action: 1 Week ban (Following the FBS)

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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