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Report a player - 328 - GTA RP

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Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Norway / Mission Row

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Marcus Thomson
Reported Players: 328
Date: May 17, 2024
Time: 20:38
What best describes this incident: RDM
Please (in detail) describe the incident: I was on a traffic stop, when a grey car stopped beside, and started to involve themself in the stop. I told the gentlemen to continue driving, as it was not necessary to be there, and nothing really going on, other than a simple traffic stop. I then go back to the taxi driver, trying to continue the conversation and "ignoring" this other persons attempt to interfere with the traffic stop. Then 328 comes back around with a bat, and takes me down. This does not constitute high quality roleplay in my eyes, hence Im reporting this issue. I have attached a 10 minute long video showing what is happening before this, and no interaction with this guy prior to this.

Im not actually sure why my microphone didnt pick up what I said.

This shows the ID: https://gyazo.com/9e1059f1796c387150708d28026e2237
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/2dF4qPxvCFWpw2/d1337c2LLhom?invite=cr-MSxhZ0osNDAxMTcyODgs
First, I want to apologize for the misunderstanding and any disruption caused during the traffic stop. Prior to this incident, I had an altercation with a cop, which led me to drive past the scene multiple times. After reviewing the provided clip, I realize that my actions were based on a mistaken assumption, and I regret that it led to a negative experience for the reporting player.

I acknowledge that attacking the player was not justified and did not align with the high standards of roleplay we strive to maintain. It was a misjudgement on my part, and I am committed to improving my roleplay interactions moving forward.

I am available most evenings to discuss this incident further and to make amends. I believe a constructive conversation can help clarify any misunderstandings and ensure such incidents do not recur. Please let me know a suitable time, and I will join the QE.

Thank you for your understanding and for giving me the opportunity to address this issue.
Hello Donny,

Thank you for writing back, and I like to read your thoughts on this. I tried to contact you with the @ in OOC several times, but didn't get a reply, so thought you didn't want to reason with me. I understand that you have thought through the situation, and I appreciate that. I am willing to go into QE to talk this out there.

I am not able tonight, but is there a time tomorrow that suits you?
Hello @BusmarG & @DonnyThorbury ,

I have reviewed the footage provided and what both of you had to say,

First, I would like to address the accused RDM, @DonnyThorbury Its clear that this is not what we expect our players to deliver in terms of the RP they should be providing. The way you approached the situation is not how you should of went about it, it's clear that you had no part in that RP as you didn't know the player being pulled over and had no business being there. Not saying you can see what's going on, but your approach was very hostile and low quality RP as it only looks to me that you are trying to get a rise out of the officer.

Secondly, I would like to address your reply to this report, I have read what you have sent and I do appreciate you owning up to your actions, but I don't appreciate that these are not your words but AI written. It just shows to me how little you care about this, as you went out of your way just to get an AI to reply to this report.

So, due to you not wanting to care about this report, we will see you make an unban appeal so we can see if you do really care about playing here.

Action Taken

CharID: 107961

Rule Break: G1.2 & C1.7

Duration: Permanently
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