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Report a player - 391 - Coalition - GTA RP

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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Lew Cloud

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 391 - Coalition

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 04/21/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2330

What best describes this incident ?: NLR

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Cutlass was ambushed by coalition and a gunfight soon followed, the fight began at the arcade and ended up towards Sandy. after a trapped member gives me his gps I go back to scout the area and look for more coalition, I was downed shortly after then Raj comes out in his boxers after being resurrected (he was downed in the gunfight earlier that situation), and drives my car, gets out and places my body in the car, giving comms and then driving to safety, after we are away from the area he informs his members he is too injured to drive and that someone should come and collect me and didn't roleplay any injuries before then. I believe this is NLR because he comes back into the situation without waiting out the timer and was not forced into doing so.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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1. The last person was killed before I ran over to your car. "you must not enter any combat situation until at least 15 minutes have passed" The combat situation was over at this point. 

2. I got in the car to drive away, yes I put you in your car, but I wasn't running into a combat situation then, I had a gun on me but at no point was it out or drawn to get involved in any shooting.

3. Everyone was going to dodgy with all the dropped cutlass but I did not join this, as you stated I went to a safe location out of the way. 

4. The reason I said on radio about my back I cant drive was to basically tell everyone that I can't come to the dodgy situation because I have just come out of hospital so to come and get your body and deal with it.

5. I then sat in that location for 15-20 minutes not moving until I drove back to the ranch.

6. This really just seems like a revenge report at this point, the fact cutlass members joined and began to call me a ticket warrior and all I ever do is put reports up. It also says a lot after you left the liaison there was no animosity between any one else in the liaison call.

there's no possible way you knew at that moment in time that I was the last person I believe I wasn't even the last down you couldn't have known if any more Cutlass was circling the area

I was shooting and was shot down in less than 10 seconds before you got into the car, how can that not be a combat situation?

I understand why you said "My backs hurting I can't drive" but by then you've already driven multiple times, managed to put me into the car, gone on the radio to give comms, and then driven away out of the combat situation if you truly wanted to stay in a safe location to wait out your timer with fighting happening outside why didn't you stay inside the hospital, arrange someone to drive you out immediately or wait in the hospital till the situation had played out.

also, id like to note that there were others in boxers shooting a member dead (also seen in my clip provided), I do not know whether these were also downed and come back to the situation but I'm sure staff would be able to see.

finally, this is far from a revenge report, I feel like a rule has been broken and we agreed to disagree in liaison, there wouldn't be any animosity from my end my friend, when I'm in discord it's out of character, and like and treat everyone with respect, would never be any hard feelings from me but at the end of the day I think a rule has been broken and wasn't resolved in liaison. I also never raised my voice or called you a ticket warrior in that call I think you have me mistaken.

I never said you were the last person, I said the last person was killed before I came and got in your car, it was called out on radio last one down which was Albert in the little garage.

I got into drive the car away, your body appeared from under it so I put you in the car then drove to safety. I wanted to leave an area where a gun fight had just happened, I’m not going to stick around. Which again is why I drove straight to safety, you can even see me trying to find somewhere to stay out of view.

There is only one person in your 2nd clip in the hospital boxers who was forced into a combat situation when they were shot at by cutlass members when trying to leave the hospital, he also was not coming into the same situation he was downed in the city 20 minutes before hand and taken to sandy hospital. 

I told you in liaison that I could see from your  point view of putting your body in the car made you upset, but you would refuse to accept that me driving away from the hospital parking out of view and not going to dodgy doctor where a potential fight could of happened wasn’t me being in the wrong. I would understand if I drove your body across the map to a dodgy doctor forcing myself into potential combat but again I drove to safety, hidden and had someone else deal with your body.

There isn’t anything else left to say on this situation.

Hello there @dingbatL

After having a look at the evidence provided as well as the comments made from both sides I have come to a conclusion.

1. The last person was killed before I ran over to your car. "you must not enter any combat situation until at least 15 minutes have passed" The combat situation was over at this point.
The section of the rule which you are quoting is in regards to ANY combat situation. If you would have read the rule to its full you would see the following:
"Due to your injuries, you must not re-enter the combat situation that caused you to be downed, unless an aggressor forces you into combat. Deliberately placing yourself in a position that would re-enter you into that combat situation is not allowed."

What this means is that you are unable to re-enter the combat situation in which you were injured and there is no time limit for this.

Regarding your comment "The last person was killed before I ran over to your car". You are not able to accurately say if they are or not, there could easily be someone who you have not spotted. It is not unlikely this would happen and is something which has happened countless times before.

With this being said the outcome of this report will be as followed.
@Raj Patel- You seem to look at the rules selectivly and not read them to their fullest extent which in this situation have made you break rule (G4.5).
Due to your gang leader position within the community and thus being classed as a Community Leader I would expect you to know and do better.
With the evidence provided you will be issued a 2 day ban for the breach of rule G4.5.

2 day ban
CharID: 23435
Rule: G4.5

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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